▪️▪️▪️CH. 21▪️▪️▪️

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Dr. Jung looked up from where he was putting pills into little containers ready for the 'drug run'.

"In here," he called out.

Jimin stuck his head around the door to the drug room, "Taehyung just paged me, Kookie appears to have taken a fall and is unconscious."


Moments later they were speeding down the road towards the Kim Mansion.

"What happened?" Hoseok asked as Jimin drove.

"Unsure. Taehyung said they were painting the nursery and he went to get some refreshments. When he came back he found Jungkook unconscious on the floor. He said there was blood but he could only find a head wound."

The mansion's side road loomed up and Jimin turned down the driveway. He suddenly thought about the security and hoped that Taehyung had had the forethought to open the gates. As he sped towards them he spotted Seojun, at the same time the gates began to open. He waved in thanks to the guardsmen as he sped through and on towards the impressive front doors of the Kim home. Seconds later he was turning off the key and grabbing his bag, Hoseok right behind him.

They raced up the front steps to the door, Jimin knocked on it and then turned the handle. It opened immediately. "Taehyung!?" He stepped into the foyer area calling Tae's name as he headed for the stairs. Taehyung had said the accident occurred in the nursery and as far as he knew the nursery was by Jungkook and Taehyung's bedroom.

"This way," said Hoseok and led the way to the stairs. He knew exactly where the nursery was.

Taehyung heard the front door open and Jimin's shout. A wave of relief swept over him. "Up here!" he yelled back and then turned to his still unconscious lover. "It's going to be alright, Kookie. Jimin's here now so he will take care of you." He didn't like the paleness of his partner's skin nor the cold and clammy feel of it either.

Jimin followed Hoseok up the stairs and along the hall.

"In here," Hoseok said as he turned into a room. Spotting the two men by the window the two doctors were across the room in a flash.

Taehyung moved to the side to allow Jimin to check Jungkook over, hovering nervously in the background and trying to keep his emotions in check. Kookie didn't need him to go to pieces now. Jimin quickly opened his bag while Hoseok removed the blanket and began to loosen Kook's clothing. While Jimin listened to Jungkook's heart and lungs Hoseok was busy taking his pulse and respiration rates.

They conferred with each other before Jimin's expert hands began to wander over Kook's body, feeling for any possible broken bones and then moving to his abdomen to see if there was any tenderness, bloating or other abnormal features.

Straightening, he turned to face Taehyung. "How long ago did this happen?"

"I called you about five minutes after I found him." Taehyung looked at his watch.

"About twenty five minutes ago, give or take five minutes."

"Hmmm. And you say he was fine when you went to fetch the refreshments?"

"Yes. He'd gone to the bathroom a short while before, but he seemed okay. Maybe a little pale but that was all. He was painting around the edges of the window sill and the skirting boards. I wouldn't let him do anything more than that as it involved stretching or climbing. He didn't say he was feeling unwell."

Taehyung was looking positively miserable and Jimin knew he was blaming himself.

"Taehyung, this isn't your fault," he said quietly. "Did you have the window open? Some ventilation in here?"

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