▪️▪️▪️CH. 34▪️▪️▪️

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Morning came and Jungkook made a beeline for the computer, booting it up and clicking immediately on the email icon, scanning the messages in his inbox. There was nothing from Namjoon. Disappointed, he shut the computer down and wandered through to the kitchen where Tae was making a simple breakfast.

Seeing the dejected look on Kookie's face, when he entered the kitchen, he took his lover into his arms and kissed him soundly, rubbing soothing circles over Kookie's back.

"It's too soon for an email from Namjoon hyung, Bunny. I doubt if we will hear anything back from him before the afternoon."

"I guess so, but..." Jungkook shrugged his shoulders. "One can always hope."

"Namjoon will reply just as soon as he can, Kookie."

"I know and I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, I know how important this is to you, Kookie. It's important to me too and I want to know hyung's answer just as much as you do, but there's nothing we can do for the moment. Worrying yourself over it won't make the reply come any faster."

"You're right," replied Jungkook as he rested his head in the crook of Tae's shoulder.

"The best thing to do is keep yourself busy, and I don't mean by doing anything strenuous either. Why don't you work out which room would be best for Hobi hyung to use while he's staying here and maybe do a little dusting or tidying up for him? Only promise me you will rest frequently."

Jungkook nodded.

"Okay. I also need to do some more training with Borahae so that should keep me occupied."

"Good. Now, let's have breakfast."

"I'm really not all that hungry, Bear."

"Then just eat what you feel comfortable with."

Jungkook gave his partner a soft smile and tried to regain his usual happy nature, but it seemed determined to escape him today. He sat and ate a slice of toast, he really didn't want anything but if he didn't eat something then he knew Tae would be on his case and go to work worrying about him and he didn't want Taehyung to be distracted on his account.

The cup of tea was more welcome than the toast that seemed to sit heavily in his stomach. He could feel the familiar nausea building up but managed to keep it at bay until Taehyung was ready to depart for work.


Standing on the step and waving his lover off, Jungkook quickly turned back to the house and headed for the toilet to pay his respects. He thought he'd finished with this morning sickness a couple of months ago, and it seemed like it was going to make a second assault on his body.

Groaning slightly, he flushed the toilet, rinsed his mouth and brushed his teeth. He felt a little better afterwards and whilst he had the energy he decided to do what Tae had suggested and figure out which room to put Hoseok hyung in.

"Sit. Good girl." Kookie patted the dog and fed her a treat. "Now, lie down."

Borahae wagged her tail.

"Lie down." Jungkook gently took the pup's front paws and pulled them forward, causing the dog to lie down. "Good girl." Another pat and another treat.

Kookie continued with his training of the dog for another fifteen minutes before deciding that they'd both had enough. He was pleased with the way Borahae was coming along.

She'd learnt the commands 'sit' and 'stay' pretty quickly. Now Jungkook was trying to teach her to lie down and also to walk to heel. The lie down bit was coming gradually but he was having trouble with the 'heel' bit.

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