XXVII - The Second Infernal Twin

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14 days before the job


I am woken from my peaceful slumber by a hand furiously hitting my left boob.

I sit up straight in the car headed to the airport and catch Yuri's hand before she makes my chest permanently flat.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I ask, surprised at how deep my voice sounds when I'm sleepy.

"B-Blaise is s-smiling!" I hear Yuri stutter for the first time in my existence.

I shoot up and sit straight then see a slight smile on my hacker's face as she looks forward, with Jian in the driver's seat.

"Oh my God she actually does have a crush on the twin what the fuck," I whisper excitedly. We're going to pick up Yuxian after all.

"I never imagined Blaise wearing white, but as of now I can imagine her popping babies out!" Yuri matches my excitement.

"You both are very creepy," Ariadne comments on my right.

"Should not have had so much coffee," Yuri mutters while bouncing around in her seat.

"You should not share a coffee pot with Rey. A single cup of coffee made by her is equivalent to four cups of normal coffee," Ariadne hits Yuri's forehead with her pencil.

"True," Blaise agrees from the front, while playing flappy bird.

"What is your current score, partner?" Jian asks, his eyes not leaving the road.

Blaise looks excited, "I'm almost about to cross one thousand! Why are you asking-"

And... We hit a speed breaker, making our car jump a little.

And... Blaise loses the game.

Oh my Blaise has the you're-dead-to-me look on her face.

"Oh you motherfucker," Blaise says with a steely voice.

"Oh my I'm such a clumsy driver, pardon me," Jian has the audacity to yawn in Blaise's face.

I lean towards Ariadne, "Take his measurements, I think we may have to stitch a body bag for him soon."

Ariadne pulls her measuring tape out, "I did that yesterday when he pissed Pandora off."


So I'm on the welcoming party as Yuri, Jian and I are standing at the gates of the airport waiting for our second twin.

"Oh my God does he look exactly like you?" Yuri pesters on.

Yuxian had met the others while we were doing a job in Vienna. Yuri and I had to run an errand for a gang to return their favor, so we were not able to meet him.

"No, we're fraternal twins."

"Oh! Is he taller than you?"

"No, he's a few inches shorter. In more than one aspect-"

"Dude! We're at an airport, shut up," I warn him.

"Is he hotter than you?" Yuri continues to ask.

Jian has a smile on his face as he nods forward, "Judge for yourself."

I look forward and my eyes immediately rest on a tall figure walking coolly among the tourists. Jian's info was accurate. He's most definitely six feet with a leaner frame and a more circular face with eyes and hair similar to Jian.

"Oh he's definitely hotter," Yuri mutters excitedly.

"Excuse me?" Jian asks, faking an expression of hurt.

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