XVIII - Shit Went Down In Chicago

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Game Day Part 3

7 : 40 pm Chicago time,
February 3rd 2019
Fortuna Auctions, Pvt. Ltd
Chicago, Illinois, USA

Kai scoffed softly as she slowly climbed the iron structures holding the stage lighting. Being backstage reminded her of all those dreadful days in the drama club. 

How her mom used to be disappointed when she didn't get a major role, or when her stepdad used to get frustrated when she would mess up her lines on stage.

She never even wanted to be in the drama club. Or in a private school.

She reached the top, and peered at the lit up stage, where the second last article was being auctioned. A painting with weird ass horses on it.

Who bought that shit? Like seriously? Her entirely black fit seemed to blend well with the back of the lights up there.

She reached the top beam and casually walked on it, making sure she had a good grip on her backpack.

Her bubblegum had lost all flavour by now.

Suddenly she heard Elara's voice through her earpiece, "Kai? You in position?"

"Positive," she whispered, hoping Elara would be able to hear her over the loud voice of the young auctioneer dude.

"Sold!" The dude below banged his gavel thingy on the podium.

She watched as the target painting was brought out to the stage and opened the backpack, ready for action.

And then a horrible chill went through her spine as she peered into the bag, "Monique!" she whispered urgently.

"What?" She heard Monique connect through, and she knew Blaise, Elara and Minji were also listening.

She held the hook gun in her hand, "I don't have the magnetic hook."

"Shit, shit, shit," she heard Minnie's voice, "What the fuck do we do now?"

She could feel her breath catch, every brain cell of hers was telling her to turn around and run, to not get caught. She began taking deep breaths, only to find out that she was just getting all the more tired.

Come on Kai, not now.

Kai looked around urgently, "Blaise, Elara, Minji, you need to buy me extra time."


8:13 pm, Chicago time
Auction House seating area

Cassandra had to hold Alicia still as her companion was twitching around in her seat while Alby lost all focus and started biting her nails.

Alicia was told that Kai didn't have the hook needed to pull the painting up when the lights. And now she was hyperventilating. And they couldn't afford to look suspicious or break character because they were going out the front doors and not an underground tunnel like Rey, Kai and Dharuna.

"Get ahold of yourself," she whispered to Alicia through her teeth.

She loved Alicia, she really did. But the girl

"H-How? It's all failed!" Alicia whispered back. Good thing they were seated in a far corner of the hall and wouldn't attract as much attention.

"And look! They have increased security everywhere! It's bound to fail," Alicia said again, her lower lip quivering slightly.

"It's true," Alby foolishly agreed.

"We have Minnie, Monique, Blaise, Elara and Pandora and Ariadne to figure something out okay? And if they don't, well we're a few hundred grand short, big fucking deal," Cassandra hissed, "But if you freak out right now, and we are able to pull this off, then the investigation might not go well for you."

Alicia seemed to calm down after that. But she was still looking jumpy, like Rey did when she consumed seven cups of coffee together.

Rey consumed a lot of caffeine, claiming it helped her train harder. But Cassandra could tell from the dark circles that the girl desperately tried to hide, that maybe training was not the only reason she was consuming a drug that keeps you awake.

Maybe sleep, peaceful, that is, was a much rarer commodity for Rey than it was, for the rest of us.

The things we do, to keep the nightmares away, let it be literal or metaphorical.

There were bids rising high for the painting, two hundred grand...two-fifty....three hundred....three fifty....

Elara had estimated a maximum of three hundred and here it was, close to four hundred grand.

"Three hundred and seventy five thousand for gentleman number sixty-five!" The auctioneer said out loud, "Any bids for four hundred thousand?"

There was no one else bidding.

Cassandra was on the edge of her seat. It all depended on this particular moment, whether they would be able to get to the painting or not. They couldn't get it after it was sold as it goes into a room filled to the brim with security. The stage was always the most vulnerable place.

Now or never.

Come on, Kai Lily Huang. We're counting on you.

"It seems there are no other bids," the auctioneer called out, "For three hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars, going once..."


8:15 pm,
Fortuna Auctions Pvt. Ltd

Detective Perez's personal phone had rung way too many times that particular night, he thought to himself as he cut the call again. He had told his friends and mom not to call him during work. 

"Going twice...."

He held his breath, this was the moment when the thieves would make their move. And would be caught because of the security plans he had the pleasure to devise.

He smiled sadistically to himself. Finally he would catch them after pursuing them for months.

He could hear the robotic voice in his head... Going never...going never...going never....

He watched the painting with close attention, and watched the security slip night vision goggles on as the auctioneer looked at the crowd.

Any second now...

"And, sold!" the auctioneer said with joy, and the crowd erupted in applause, but Perez sat rooted in his seat, staring at the scene dumbfounded.

Where were they?

They were supposed to strike here! He had studied their action so closely, he had figured out their pattern! Then why were they not there!

Did they fail?

His phone rang again and he got up and walked out of the auditorium to finally take the call, "What is the mattter?" he asked, after picking up the call.

"I tried calling you on your work number, but it seemed to be switched off," Daniel, his colleague said to him.

He whipped out his work mobile to see that it's battery had unfortunately died.

"What happened? Anything important? The thieves didn't strike here like they were supposed to and I'm about to lose my shit."

"About that...you're in Los Angeles, right?"


"Well, shit went down in an auction house in Chicago. A few hours ago."


*8:20 pm, Los Angeles time
Fortuna Auctions, Pvt. Ltd
Los Angeles, California, United States of America


Going Once, Going Twice, Going Never.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz