IX - You Could Also Be Missing A Tooth

57 9 42

12 days until the job


"WAKE UP!" I get rolled out of my blanket and thrown off my bed.

My first thought was that the CreepyPasta killer with the clown mask had finally come to take my life. 

It was partially true, because there is a clown standing above me, and that clown is Rey. I'm never saying these words out loud, by the way. I don't want to look like a half-assed version of Lord Voldemort when she bashes my nose in.

"Why do you interrupt my afternoon nap?" I ask civilly, because engaging Rey in a fight, is well, like trying to share a steak with a lion. And in this scenario, I'm not even human, I'm like a meerkat.

"It's 8pm bitch," she says, before nagging my thigh with her toe.

Okay, so I took a five hour nap, big deal.

"I still don't hear the unholy reason why you would wake me up," I say, still laying on my back, on the floor.

She offers her hand to me, "Dhara, Pandora and I are going to watch some of the street matches. You in?"


"She told me she's really been into action thrillers recently. She wants to see fighters IRL," Rey explains with a shrug. Of course that would be Pandora's reason.

I yawn, "When are we leaving?"

A coat gets thrown at my face, "Right now."

I swear if someone else throws a coat in my face one more time-


Now we are walking in the heart of Chicago, which is a very bad place to have underground street fights may I add. The streets are five times more crowded than those of Philly, and then people here have a lot less clothing, even though it's a lot colder here than Philadelphia.

I will never understand Americans. Even though I was born one.

And I need to acknowledge that every street you turn to, you will see an American flag. I thought that only happened in Washington. The patriotism flies high in this city. 

Oh well, God bless America I guess.

Pandora wraps her arms around herself, "Ah why did we cancel on California? My ass is freezing here."

Well if she had brought more layers than just a Gucci bomber jacket, then her ass wouldn't be frozen right now.

"Why did we cancel on LA though?" Rey asks, wrapping her own trench coat tightly around herself.

"The police put two and two together and anticipated that we would strike LA next. I don't know about you guys, but I am not in the mood of going to prison or breaking someone out of prison."

Dhara shrugs, "I like Chicago. It's been good to me till now."

Dharuna has skin of steel. She never feels anything extreme. When its too hot, she chills around in the sunlight, when its too cold, she chills around in the snow. She just doesn't feel it. Fucking weird.

One good thing about her is that she is a human furnace in the cold, which might be the reason why my arm is looped around hers, holding on for warmth. She thinks I'm being affectionate, what a loser.

"What could you possibly like about this freezing city with pizzas everywhere?" Pandora asks.

"As long as I don't have to deal with drunk misogynistic men every night, I am fine with any place, honestly," Dhara says casually, while sipping on her tea inside the thermos she has been holding the whole time.

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