VII - Eat My Firstborn Child

76 14 40


14 days until the job


"Big family, huh? Cousins?" the woman with the ginger hair and Southern accent asks me, still holding the keys to herself as she scrutinizes my form. I swear she has begun to test me patience, with the condescending looks towards Cassandra and me, and this judgement in her eyes as if she's contemplating how much we are going to party in her gigantic house. That's right, I rented a villa. For a very cheap price too.

She looks like a boomer with marriage issues and two children with extremely common names like Josh and Tyler, who spies on her neighbours and gossips about teenagers being stupid with her other homophobic lady friends as they drink tea at a local coffee shop, just after they stopped bitching about the barista's rude behaviour and how the cashier didn't look interested in doing her job.

Wait I need to reply to her.

"Friends," I reply through grit teeth. Even more condescending looks.

The lady is about to speak when Cassie speaks up tucking a curl behind her ear while doing the Debby Ryan, "We have driven straight from Boston for a research project on Lake Michigan."

The lady's eyes widen, "Are you from Harvard?"

Cassie's lips tug into a sideways smile, "MIT." Why is she persisting with this Debby Ryan behaviour? It's fucking weird.

"Oh! Then what are you waiting for? Come on in! Make yourselves at home. My husband is a professor at the University of Illinois, don't worry about asking for help."

I smile the fakest, sweetest smile and then look at her through my eyelashes whilst doing the Debby Ryan myself "Oh we wouldn't want to bother you lovely people. Have a wonderful day!" I gently take the keys from her.

"You think she's going to spy on us?" I whisper to Cassandra when the woman walks away to her own home next door.

"Definitely," Cassie replies curtly.



It's been twenty minutes since we entered the house, but we've already sprung to work. First of all, the Southern lady is getting a bad Airbnb review for the dustiest fucking villa in the world. If you have guests renting it, fucking dust the shelves and vacuum the floors.

Ariadne, Pandora and Elara took to cleaning the second floor, while the rest of us got started on the ground floor. I made Cassandra, Yuri and Kai incharge of cleaning the living room, sent Minji to the closest Target to get some thicker, blacker blinds to cover up the windows because the lady had already begun to peep into our house, oh she's getting the worst review I can manage. 

I sent Mon and Alby to clear out the basement for all the light sensitive equipment and the extreme top secret stuff which we absolutely need to hide from the stupid lady. Speaking of which, I put Blaise on the task of finding any hidden cameras and sketchy stuff in the house, because again, I don't trust this lady.

I myself am incharge of the kitchen and the ground floor bathrooms. 

I sigh to myself, "No wonder this place was cheap. No one wants to rent this fucking house because of the weird psychopath living next door."

I wave to her peaking head from the wall between our houses and she takes that opening to quickly head back into her own house.


Rey yawns as I put out some of the drinks on the dining table, "Is the psychotic weirdo still watching us?" she asks.

"No, but still, Minnie!" I call out to my trusty partner, "Can you drape all the blinds!"

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