incorrect quotes

49 7 34

Cuz why not


Rey : I wasn't injured, I was lightly stabbed.

Minnie : I'm sorry, you were stabbed?

Rey : Lightly stabbed. I didn't want to frighten you.


Kai : I know we don't always see eye to eye on things

Mon : That's because you're short.


Ariadne {points to Yuri's shirt} : What colour do you think Yuri's shirt is?

Cassandra : Grey?

Elara : It's light grey.

Blaise : Grey.

Ariadne {to Yuri} : Now tell them what you thought it was

Yuri {quietly} : Dark white.


Monique : Nothing in life is free

Dharuna : Love is free!

Yuri : Adventure is free!

Ariadne : Knowledge is free

Kai : Everything is free if you take it without paying.


Pandora : *draws a frown on the gingerbread man*

Cassandra : Why is he frowning?

Alby : You should draw a smile to spread Christmas cheer!

Pandora : You'd frown too if you were about to be eaten.


Yuri : Ice cubes are freaking badass!

Elara : How so?

Yuri : They just float around in their own blood.

Elara : How high are you?

Yuri : 5'7


Rey : Must you always attack me with words?

Ariadne : You want me to use rocks instead?


Cassandra : You remind me of the ocean

Pandora : The ocean?

Cassandra : Because you're salty and you scare people.


Alicia : I feel like slapping the biggest idiot here.

Yuri : Leesh, self-abuse is not okay.


Ariadne : Where are Rey, Alicia and Cassie?

Minnie : They are playing hide n seek.

Araidne : Where?

Minnie : I don't think you get how this game works.


Pandora : What are you, five?

Monique : Yeah, five heads taller than you.

Pandora :

Monique :

Pandora :

Monique : Please don't kill me.


Blaise {answers the phone} : hello?

Yuri : It's Yuri

Blaise : What did she do this time?

Yuri : No, it's me, Yuri.

Blaise : What did you do this time?


Alicia : If I run and jump and Rey, she will most definitely catch me *runs at Rey*


Rey : *drops coffee to catch Alicia*


Alicia : We need a distraction!

Blaise : I have an idea but it involves Rey hitting people.

Rey : *smiles*


I was bored, hope you liked them :)

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