To Play Hero (OT8)

Start from the beginning

They were instructed to sit down in a more remote corner, and Felix gritted his teeth as he glanced at the large, panoramic window behind them – the restaurant was located in the higher floors of one of the tallest buildings in the city, and the only way in or out was the bunch of elevators located in the lobby, on the other side of the large room.

(And of course, six armed men were guarding those.)

A few more VIPs were dragged out of the rooms and, after a few minutes of almost complete silence, a broad-shouldered man stepped forward. The only thing that seemed to differentiate him from the others was the red hood he was sporting, while all the others were completely cladded in black.

"Alright, listen up!" he ordered, his voice easily carried throughout the entire room. "As of this moment, you are all considered hostages! Here's what's going to happen: first, you're going to hand over all of your phones and other electric devices. After that, we'll be going around the room to collect everything else you can take off: jewelry, accessories, bags, shoes, jackets, all the works. And once that's done, you'll be called forward one by one to access your bank accounts, from which you'll transfer absolutely all of your money into the account we'll provide for you."

He spread his arms in an almost theatrical gesture.

"At the end of this, all of you should be walking out of here alive – completely penniless, of course, but ultimately unharmed, if you do exactly as we say. We have this entire building under our control, so don't even try to call out for help, got it? Or we'll shoot you, steal your cards, and call it a day."

Of course, no one was stupid enough to try and oppose anything he said when there were over two dozen of armed men completely surrounding them. So, as soon as the leader stepped back, all of the hostages were quick to follow his instructions.

First, they handed over their phones, dropping them into the bags the masked men were passing around, along with all intelligent watches and other devices that could be used to contact the police. After that, they began going around with another set of begs, in which all of the jewelry, accessories, and bags were thrown. They were then instructed to take off their shoes and their jackets and throw them in a pile before them.

As they all partly undressed, Chan used that opportunity to talk with his boys.

"Don't try to play heroes," he warned in a low tone. "The police will handle this. Let's just give them what they want, and we'll be fine, alright?"

Most of the others were too scared to protests, though Changbin, Minho, and Hyunjin looked slightly annoyed with being forced to stick to the sidelines. However, as humiliating as the entire process was, no amount of money was worth their lives, so they all nodded in agreement and finished throwing their stuff in the pile.

"Alright! Let's kick off the real party with our dearest VIPs!" cheered the leader, gesturing at a few of the tables that had been brought together, where all of the phones had been placed. "These have been divided by restaurant sections and rooms. One person per group at the time. Now get to it—ah? The fuck? This isn't a classroom, man!"

The man in question had dared to raise a shaking hand, having seemingly a question. A tad amused, the leader gestured for him to speak up.

"I- I don't have access to my bank account via my phone," he whispered. "How- how do it—"

"Easy! We'll be inspecting your phones to see if you're lying, for one – if you are, we're gonna shoot you in the leg and then make you transfer the money. If you're not lying, however, we'll just have you write all of you info on the back of your cards. Got it?"

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now