'Eomma, are you awake?' he spoke softly, sleep was on his body but his mind refused any respite. 

'What happened? Have you seen the time?' she whisper-yelled at him. 

'Hmm. 1 a.m. Sorry.' he chuckled. 'But now that you are awake, can you tell me how to make cold medicine?' 

'Are you sick?' her tone changed quickly. Mothers. 

'No not me. Jin.' Taehyung's tone turned grim as well. He wondered again, What if something like yesterday happens to Jin tonight? He might just sleep on the washroom floor out of exhaustion.

'Is it bad now? Does he have a fever? I think you should call-' 

'No, no fever. Just have stomach upset and a sore throat. He was throwing up last night. The doctor gave him medicines. He should be asleep now.' he explained quickly. 

'Should be?.. where is he then?' her tone was changing quickly. 

'Hannam dong.'

'And where are you?' her voice was skeptical. 

'My apartment.' He offered, not thinking much of it while switching the kitchen lights on. 

'So who is with Jin? Did his parents come? His mom?' she asked. 

'Nobody. He is alone.' I answered, matter-of-factly. He wanted to call one of them and ask them to spend the night with him. But Jin had cried and wept in his sleep to not do so, he wanted to be alone and recover. Being sick always felt like a burden on others to him, even if we insisted that it was not so. It was a motivation for him to stay fit. 

'You left him alone? sick?!' she whispered- yelled once again, startling Taehyung. 

'No, he asked me to-recording-' he fumbled, trying to remember what to explain.

'Recording? How selfish can you be? He stayed beside you the entire night when you were ill!' she scolded him, for the next twenty minutes she made sure he felt guilty for leaving his sick boyfriend alone at his weakest. Which he already was. 

The next day he had dark circles. Damn, Jin is going to scold me for this as well now. He stifled a yawn while stepping out of the car.  There was one more HYBE van parked beside it. He focussed on the familiar figures in the car, not the usual guards that came to pick up Jin. He waved at the man in the front seat, Hobum Hyung, just as the elevator dinged behind him. 

'Taehyung-ah!' Namjoon's voice echoed in the dark garage. Dressed in a long dark coat and hair slick, his eyes twinkled. What the actual fuck? Why is he here so early in the morning? Why?! Can i get a break? Namjoon rushed toward him and wrapped him in a hug, pausing his thoughts. 

'Good Morning, Hyung. You are here.' Taehyung returned the pat on his back and plastered a smile on his face as well. 'Missed Jin a little too much?' 

'Uh-huh. Not as much as you did.' He teased back. Taehyung bit down on any retorts, pretending to blush in his smile. 'I had to drop off a script. For sub-unit act. I made the edits yesterday.' He explained quickly, staring at the floor.

'You made the edits yourself?' Tahyung asked, he found Namjoon strange today. 

'Uh-...' He paused, surprised by the counter-question. 'Yeah. Lots of mistakes.' he chuckled, nervously. 'With the editors, of course. Ha ha, like I could do it alone! Ha ha.' He laughed some more, before retracting his footsteps towards the car. 

'Of course, of course.' Taehyung nodded. 

'Sooo, I have to leave now. See you later in the week?' Namjoon yelled, already sitting in his car. Taehyung nodded, waving at them. He watched the car leave. Something felt off. Namjoon never flusters. 

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