„Talk to her step by step. Don't mention to many informations. Her brain needs to adjust her surrounding. She won't have any orientation. Don't yell all to loud at her. I know many emotions flat Through but the brain is really complex and we just need to take things slow."

Teresa nod taking in everything the doctor says.


Time has passed and it became night. The doctors and nurses walked in and out watching the monitors closely. They're reducing the sedative and so far it works. Nothing has looked suspicious and she should wake up any time soon. Teresa was staring to grow impatient. She hasn't seen her daughter in a year.

„Alright. That should be it. She's not getting any sedative into her system. She should wake up any time soon we will leave you too it but you should tell us after some time that she woke up. We still need to check on her." the doctor answered and Teresa thanked shaking their hands.

She walked around to her bed side again waiting for any signs she might wake up. After 20 impatient minutes she saw her eyelids flicker.

Teresa almost jumped up stepping closer to see if she was hallucinating or not.
But once again her eyes flickered open and she saw her brown eyes looking at her.

Aubrey POV

My eyes felt heavy and I didn't know where I was. The lights where blinding me and I didn't feel like i know this environment. I blinked multiple times trying to adjust to the lights. I glanced to my right seeing someone i didn't thought I'd see.

„M-mom?" I asked sounding confused but my voice was more raspy than usual. Fuck for how long haven't I drank any water. My throat feels sore as hell and I can't figure out what is happening.

„Oh god. Yes hey." she cried taking my hand in hers. I looked down at her holding my hand feeling more confused than usual. She never comforted me like this. Or at all. Why is she here? Where am I?

„Mom? W-Why are you here? Where am I?" I asked narrowing my brows.

„Honey I've been here since I got the call from Vivian. Your in the hospital." she answered and I didn't know what happened. What did I do that I can't remember shit.

„But Why? What happened to me?" I couldn't stop asking.

„You've been involved in a car accident. This was nine weeks ago. You don't remember what happened?" She asks slowly trying to scan my reaction.

My heart dropped to ground knowing that I've been unconscious for nine whole weeks. I try t remember anything from what has happened before but my mind gives me nothing. I don't know why I was involved in that accident and neither do I remember what happened before I drove off. Tears filed my eyes and lips started to quiver. I didn't know what to do because there was this gap in my mind that I couldn't fill.

„I don't...remember anything." I simply answered and my mom's expression fell.

„It's okay sweetie. You will remember one day okay. No need to panic we will work this out." she stroked my tears away and I watched her every move. Why is she comforting me all of a sudden.
This feels new.

„We?" I asked swallowing this lump in my throat.

„Don't you have better things to do?" I fired back and she didn't move away from me. Her eyes filled with tears as well and this is strange because I've never seen her cry.

„I've messed up I know. I messed up so bad and I can't turn back time even though I want to. I would change myself and the way I treated you. I did you wrong. I'll always be sorry for that and I will never give up on trying to do better now. I promise." she whipped her tears away with her shoulder not letting go of my hand.

„You just have to give me a chance. That's all I'm asking for and I'll fix it." my stomach turned hearing those words that I wished for my whole life. I always wanted to have a good relationship with my mother but now that she wants to try I am scared that she might back away some day. That she wouldn't keep her promise. That this might only be words spoken by one emotion and that is fear.

Is she scared to lose me because I almost died?
Something she didn't know is that she lost me already. But I want a good relationship so bad.
So what i am asking myself is do I give her a chance or do I reject her?

„So you've been here the whole time?" I ask motioning around the hospital room I'm in.

„Yes. I've called in on work and stopped everything. I let them know what was happening and I'm not planing on leaving." wow that's really something new. I would have never guessed that she would have stayed by my side the whole time.

„A-And where is dad?" I asked but I feel like I already know the answer.

„H-he didn't make it. He was packed up with work and said it was enough that I am here. He's actually mad that I left work for so long." well that is harsh.
I shouldn't have asked because I felt like he would say something like this.

„I'm sorry sweetie. I really am." she added seeing that my expression didn't change.

I stayed silent not knowing how to respond.

„I'll let the doctors know that you woke up. They need to do some tests. I'll be right back." she got up placing a kiss on my forehead and stroking some hair behind my ear. I watched her leave and let out a quiet sob not knowing how to process this. It's a lot going on and all I need right now is my friends beside me. Their my all time supporters. They are always there for me but I guess their in college now. I hope they come around soon.

„Hi Miss Mathews im doctor miller. How are you feeling?" a slightly tall doctor walked in stretching her hand out to me. Dark blond gorgeous hair and blue eyes. A soft smile crossed her face and it was comforting me in an instant.

„Please call me Aubrey." I answered stretching my hand out to shake hers.

She smiled and wrote something down on her clip board. I assume she was already testing me and taking notes.

„Are you in any pain right now Aubrey?" she asks me as she checked the machines glancing down at me.

„I feel sore. Like I haven't moved in ages. My head hurts really bad. As if I have thousands of needles piercing through." I tried to explain my pain as good as possible.

„Okay. Feeling sore is normal at the beginning. You were laying here for nine weeks. About the head we will try to fix that as well." she answered as she moved to sit down next to me.

„Can you tell me the last thing you remember before the accident?" she asks me glancing to my mom and then back to me.

I went through my mind trying to pin point anything.

„Well I was drinking with Vivian at night. I don't know what happened after." I shrugged my shoulders and she nod taking notes again.

„Well the accident happen at the day time Aubrey. But we will figure things out. What about your college or life in general. Can you tell me something about it?" she asks me and I think she just wants to know what I remember and what not.

„I'm studying music, art and psychology. I sing a lot and draw. There's not much to tell." she nod and hummed in response glancing at my mother for a moment who didn't take her eyes of off me.

„What about relationships? Do you have a partner?" she asks me hesitated and I shrugged my shoulders.

„I'm single doc. There's nobody." I answered and I noticed how her expression fell.

Did I say something wrong?

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