𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕨𝕖 𝕡𝕒𝕤𝕤 𝕓𝕪 (𝟙𝟠)

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"Oh my M/n... you... you really learned all of the magic skills the normals learn!"

"That is a good thing right?"

"Yes yes! You'll become a powerful leader!" Dev laughed, "Leader...?" M/n gasped and remembered, "My future..."

"I see you've figured it out right?" Dev smiled, "Become a leader and stay by my side." Dev said, but she made it sound like M/n had no choice.

"I-I can't..." M/n sped out of the room, "Ugh dang..." Dev sighed and chased after him.

As M/n was running, he came across a mirror, but he didn't see his reflection. Instead, he saw two kids running away from a monster, M/n made eye contact with one of the kids.

The kid M/n made eye contact with stopped running and stared at M/n.

M/n couldn't hear anything, but the other kid was tugging on the kid's shirt and they both continued to run.

"Ah wait!" M/n tried to go through the mirror, but failed. He ended up shattering the mirror only to find a wall.

"Huh? No! NO!" M/n smashed his head on wall, why couldn't he go through? It didn't make sense... he saw that kid, and that kid saw him so how was this a real mirror? M/n should've been able to go through.

"M/n~ I'll teach you more magic! And I'll help you control your magic better!" He could hear Dev's voice getting closer, he had to move quick.

M/n stumbled away from the smashed wall and shattered mirror.

As M/n tried to get away, he came to a dead end with a table and a weapon on it.

'Huh? That weapon... Calla gave it to me!' M/n tried to get a hold of it, but got stopped by footsteps behind him. He already knew who it was, Dev.

"M/n, what's so wrong about becoming a leader? If you're afraid of hurting others, don't worry. In a world like this, it no longer matters who you hurt." Dev said while walking closer to M/n.

"It doesn't matter to you, but it matters to me." M/n looked down, at a fit of rage, Dev launched at M/n and knee him in the stomach making him fall to the ground.

Dev stepped back, "M/n, I'll give you one last chance"

M/n wiped off the blood from his mouth and slowly got up with a dark aura. He put his hand on the table and grabbed the weapon as he got up.

M/n glared at Dev, "Stop with the act, Uriah didn't actually get lost did he?" M/n spoke, but took him a sec to process what he said.

'Wait, Uriah? Who is that?! I was going to say... Mr glasses...'

"Oh? So you know that guy's real name? Um, well I wasn't expecting that..." Dev put her hand to her chin.

"Mr Glasses real name is... Uriah...?" M/n asked and Dev nodded, "Well that doesn't matter. I've locked him in a cage so..." Dev giggled.

"You... you're evil!"

"Mhm, I know that"

M/n looked at the weapon he was holding and looked back at Dev, "Will you attack me M/n?" Dev asked smiling, "No... but I'll distract you"

In less than a second, M/n quickly threw his weapon at Dev making her flinch. M/n took the chance to run past her and make a portal to somewhere.

"Where... where am I...?" M/n looked around, he was in darkness, he could only see the dark, there was no spark to light his path.

'I'm still not capable of magic...'

"H-hello..?" M/n hesitated to speak as he was afraid of what might be in the dark. M/n tensed up when he heard a groan.

Suddenly everything lit up, he was in a room that had a mirror, he walked over to the mirror and saw the two kids that were running away from a monster.

He knocked on the glass waking up one of the boys, one kid stood up and walked over to the mirror. M/n tried speaking, but the kid didn't seem to hear him.

M/n bit his finger making it bleed, he then spelled his name on the mirror.


The boy did the same, he bit his finger and spelled out his name.


M/n smiled, M/n then pointed to the other kid who was sleeping, the kid wrote,


'Seven and Keres... why does Keres sound so familiar...?'

M/n put his hand on the mirror hoping it would let him in, but no, the mirror didn't let him in.

M/n sighed and tried creating a portal, he did some hand moves and opened up a portal.

M/n looked back at the mirror, he couldn't see a portal so he closed the current portal. He opened a new one and looked back at the mirror, nope still can't see a portal.

This went on for a few more minutes until M/n finally got it right! He went in the portal and saw the two kids, Seven and Keres.

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