𝔹𝕦𝕥 𝔸 𝕟𝕖𝕨 𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 (𝟙𝟛)

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"Huh?" M/n looked up, Udiyaka wiped M/n's tears, he hadn't noticed that he was crying.

"I'm sorry M/n." Udiyaka says as she helps M/n up.

"But don't EVER let me see you like that again... okay?" Udiyaka says in a scary way.

M/n wasn't sure if he should trust her, but nods anyways.

"Hey M/n, let's live and survive" Udiyaka smiles and looks at M/n. M/n remembered Keres.

"Um okay..." M/n sweatdropped, just a few minutes ago, this girl was trying to kill him and now she's trying to recruit him?

"I know a place we could explore" Udiyaka says while attempting to grab a key, "Where?" M/n asks, "Just come with me" Udiyaka opened the white door with the key.

"What is this place you're talking about?" M/n questions as he follows Udiyaka, "The place I'm talking about is very huge and the building is white... it's like... those... hmm... what do you call it? Malls? Anyways, there's a lot of stuff in that building!" Udiyaka explains.

"Woah... that place sounds very cool..." M/n imagines what that place could look like.

"I'm sure you'll love it! But... last time I checked, there were lots and lots of monsters, so we should be very careful there" Udiyaka mentions and M/n nods.

"Help me push this giant box!" Udiyaka says and M/n does as she asks. He helps push the box near a vent hole.

The two gets on the box and jumps into the vent, they crawl deeper and see an exit, when they drop down they hear something being ripped apart, they both see a giant man and next to him is a shotgun.

Udiyaka signals M/n to push the small doors and make a run for it, M/n pushes the door and runs away with Udiyaka, this doesn't go unnoticed by the giant man, the giant man takes his gun and starts shooting at the two kids.

"Hey M/n! Go inside the shed!" Udiyaka orders, "Why? It's only going to be a dead end..." M/n mumbled but went in the shed anyway.

Udiyaka locks the door and spots a window, "Up there! I'll give you a hand" Udiyaka lets M/n jump on her hand and climb up the window, "Help me!" Udiyaka yells as she sees M/n leave her.


M/n then drops a rope down for Udiyaka to climb, "Here!" Udiyaka climbs the rope and the giant man breaks down the door only to see a rope and nothing else.

The giant man grunts and walks away.

"I really thought you were going to leave me there!" Udiyaka sits on the ground and sighs, "No, I wouldn't leave you yet. I still want to see the building you were talking about" M/n bluntly says, "One second, you're a weird scaredy-cat and suddenly you're just so cold and straightforward..." Udiyaka giggled.

"At least I didn't kill anyone." M/n states, "You really think I'm that insane? And just so you know, I still have a sane side." Udiyaka frowns, "Yeah whatever, let's just continue going to wherever you were talking about" M/n helps Udiyaka up, Udiyaka smiles and takes M/n's hand.


"So... this is the place you were talking about?" M/n looks at Udiyaka in an upset way.

"Um... yeah, but..."

"I get you said there were lots of monsters... but I didn't think this much!" M/n interrupts Udiyaka.

"D-don't worry! We'll just avoid them... somehow... Anyways! I wanted to show you something" Udiyaka grabs M/n's hand and drags him to the elevator.

"There's an elevator here?" M/n asks and Udiyaka nods, "Yes, there is an elevator here, but only for kids like us!"

"That's... really cool" M/n comments and looks at Udiyaka who was pressing a button with an up arrow, 'That must be the button for going up and the down button must be for going down... I wonder if Udiyaka made this.'

The elevator stopped and Udiyaka got off, she then opened a door that led to the roof, "Woah... so pretty...!" M/n looked around, there were flowers and fences, "Did you make this?" M/n looks at Udiyaka as she nods.

"Do you think it's possible to restore the world we used to live in?" Udiyaka says as she looks up at the night sky.

"The world we used to live in...?" Suddenly M/n felt a pain in his head. He held his head tightly and stumbled.

"Ok tour guide! Show me the way to... umm... class 243...? Wait what does this say?"

"Pfftt, you have to find that one on your own, I'm going to be late for my class, bye!"

"Hey- wait! I'm going to be late and it's going to be your fault!"

"So? That's not my problem......Ugh whatever just follow me..."



"Wake up!!" Udiyaka slapped M/n over and over again, "Stop slapping me!" M/n slapped away Udiyaka's hand and sat up.

"What happened to you? You just suddenly knocked out!"

"Do you remember what the old world was like?" M/n asked, "Of course! I remember a lot, but it seems as if no one in this world remembers anything..." Udiyaka sighed and looked down, "I really thought you would be able to remember... I guess this world took everything from us...even sanity..." Udiyaka lied down on the ground and looked up, M/n did the same without questioning.

"I wonder if I'm the only one who remembers... but, you're getting flashbacks right?" Udiyaka asks and M/n nods while staring into space.

"Then you must remember something right?"


"Oh well, I hope you're able to remember soon"

Udiyaka and M/n fell asleep.


"Saved by that crazy girl...interesting..." the glasses boy murmured.

"What do you NOT find interesting?" Calla scoffed, "Hey this is important info okay?!" The glasses boy crossed his arms and looked away.

"Yeah whatever Mr. Glasses" Calla rolled her eyes.

"Calla! There are monsters trying to break down the big door!" Farrah shouted which alerted Glasses boy and Calla.

"Can't you fight them off, Farrah?" Glasses boy asked trying to stay calm.

"No way, have you seen the monsters? They're much bigger and taller than me" Farrah exclaimed, "Um... hm..." The glasses boy panicked as he couldn't think of anything.

"We don't have much time left!" Calla yelled, monsters started breaking into their secret base.

"The only way out is blocked... we can't go anywhere else..." Glasses boy looked at the door.

"I'll be the bait, you guys escape and hide" Farrah sighed, "What?! No!" Calla walked over to Farrah.

"Cmon Farrah... you can't be serious-"

Monsters started rushing in and breaking everything, glasses boy hid under the table, "Calla! Farrah?!" The glasses boy tried calling out to them, but couldn't hear anything.

He saw an opening and ran out the door, he was sure that Farrah and Calla were now gone.

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