Love Note (HyunLix) [PART 2]

Start from the beginning

Hyunjin... Hyunjin was starting to scare him.

He sometimes said some things that worried him.

("I hate when they look at you... I wish I could keep you all to myself...")

He sometimes said some things that made his heart twinge with unease.

("I don't want you talking to that guy anymore. I don't care if you're partners for a project – if I see him talking to you again, I'm breaking his face in.")

He sometimes said some things... that genuinely scared him.

("You do not get to leave me on read, Felix. If I text you or call you, then I expect you to answer. I don't want to hurt you, Lix – so don't make me.")

It was quite obvious to Felix was he was starting to lose control over the situation. What used to be a dream now became a nightmare. Hyunjin was no longer the kind soul he'd fallen in love with so long ago – now, he was just a possessive man who treated him harshly and unfairly.

He'd made a mistake, that much was obvious. It was time to stop everything.

"Hyunjin, can we talk?"

"What is it, Lix?"

Felix exhaled shakily, fiddling with his fingers. He hated how the butterflies in his stomach had turned to painful churns of anxiety, hated how his heart was hammering with fear rather than infatuation – this truly had gone too far, now. It was time to leave dreams and nightmares behind, and to wake up.

"Hyunjin... I- I think this isn't working. Between us, I mean." He looked down, trying his best to hide how much his hands were shaking. "I want- I want us to break up."

Silence. Thick, suffocating. And then a scoff.

"Funny, babe. But don't say that kind of stuff again, it'll make me mad."

"Hyunjin, I- I'm serious, I don't want to be with you anymore so—Hyunjin!"

The older abruptly got up from the couch, and Felix instinctively took a step back. Another moment of silence as everything stilled. Then, slowly, as if testing something, Hyunjin took another step forward – in answer, Felix stepped back again. Hyunjin started advancing, and Felix began backing away in a hurry, but then his back hit the wall and Hyunjin was suddenly right in front of him, taller and bigger and most definitely more dangerous than Felix ever thought he could be.

He kept his eyes low, unwilling to meet Hyunjin's gaze. He was stiff, flinching away when Hyunjin's hand suddenly came to cradle his cheek.

"... are you scared of me, Felix?"

"... yes," he answered, hoping his honesty would finally snap Hyunjin out of his craze.

But Hyunjin simply grinned, pecking the corner of his lips. "Good. You know better than to misbehave, then."

Felix inhaled sharply, shaking his head. "No, Hyunjin, I'm serious, we are over—ack!"

Pain bloomed in his face and his head snapped to the side – it took him a moment to realize Hyunjin had just backhanded him. Just as the thought registered itself, however, he found himself harshly pinned to the wall, with Hyunjin's hands now wound tightly around his throat, Hyunjin's thumbs pressing against his carotid and effectively cutting off the air flow.

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