After I helped cleaning the house for our guests Amy and I went to see an apartment Amy found on the internet. It was a cool place and the owners were a really nice couple. The price was good for us and the rooms were pretty big. We put them on hold, not making a decision yet until we looked at the other two places Amy found that we will go see tomorrow.

I left Amy back home and went to see my girlfriend. We didn't have much time before we had to go back to Dani's party, but we still wanted to hang out. When I got to her house I heard yelling from the inside. I never heard them yelling at each other, they were a caring and loving family, this was unusual. I decided to text Spencer I was outside instead of knocking, and waited for her to come open the door.

"Hi" Spencer smiled weakly as she opened the door.

"Hey babe, is everything okay in there?" I asked worried and she made an expression letting me know that not so much and then let me in.

"... And instead of doing something about it you just put me back in!" Hailee, the youngest sister yelled at her parents, on the verge of tears.

"They said they'll deal with those kids Hailee, but we don't want you to miss the year" Their father explained.

"They won't do anything, you don't understand" Hailee continued.

"Why do you keep saying that?" Kelly, her older sister asked her, "You keep saying we don't understand, then what's going on?" There was silence when Hailee just shook her head, not wanting to explain.

"Never mind" She eventually said and went upstairs to her room.

"Hi Lauren," Their mom acknowledge me and I looked at her surprised, I didn't mean to interrupt.

"Hi, sorry I came in a bad moment" I said shyly and she smiled.

"It's not your fault, sorry you had to hear us yelling" She apologized.

"It sounded worst from outside." I tried to lighten the mood and they chuckled.

"Mom, if she says the teachers are not doing anything about those kids then maybe you should talk to them again" Spencer asked her parents, sad for her little sister.

"We will, but she has to go back to school anyway."

"She doesn't want to, she's afraid" Kelly said, annoyed with her parents persistent.

"She just needs to know that we're here for her, she can make it, she's strong" Her mother told her with conviction.

"Not strong enough apparently..."

"Kelly stop! I believe in her... we will talk to the principal, of course, we will do whatever we need so she will feel protected, but I also believe that she will be okay, because I know she is strong... she got you as role models." She smiled at her daughter who didn't seem so convinced even after those words.

"I'll wait for you in your room." I whispered to Spencer who nodded and I walked upstairs.

When I was walking to Spencer's room I passed by Hailee's room, the door was closed but I could hear her sobbing. It was heartbreaking and I remembered her mother's words downstairs. I don't think Hailee knows what her mother thinks of her, I don't think Hailee knows her parents are doing this because they truly believe in her and truly believe she is strong enough to get through it.

I debated whether or not to knock on the door and talk to her. But I felt like it wasn't my place. My mind started to get wild and I instantly pulled my phone out texted my older sister.

Laur: We HAVE to write a song called I Believe In You!

Just hearing Hailee crying inside her room, I wanted so much to dedicate a song to her, like telling her what her parents think. That she is strong and we believe in her, she can rise out of this bullying and get through it. And probably there are a lot more kids out there just waiting for someone to tell them how strong they are and that someone believes in them. The title for the song was already handed to me.

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