"I didn't say it wasn't," Derek rolled his eyes. "I just thought it might get confusing with two Marks."

"We haven't decided yet," Addison sighed. "I think we might call him Jake. His middle name's Jacob."

"That's a good idea," Meredith smiled. "But while I'm thinking about it, thanks for planting the idea of naming our son after Derek in his idiot brain. I really appreciate that."

"Sorry," Addison laughed. "This is why we should have picked a name out before I had him. No one should be allowed to name their child immediately after giving birth. They end up regretting it."

"I'm starting to take offense from this conversation," Mark frowned as he placed Melanie on the blanket beside Becky, Derek and Meredith kneeling on the floor in front of the girls."

"Don't take offense," Addison sighed as she handed him the baby. "He looks like a Jake."

"I suppose," Mark sighed, looking down at his son. "Hey, Jake. I guess it works. You can be Jake."

Meredith smiled as she leaned into Derek. "Look at them," she whispered. "They're so happy."

"They are," Derek smiled, wrapping an arm around her. "Just like us. A completely happy family."

"Hmm," Meredith smiled.

"Alright, it's my turn to change the dirty diaper," Mark sighed as he stood. "You need anything Addie?"

"I'm good," she nodded, smiling up at him.

"How are you feeling?" Meredith asked as she left Derek on the floor and moved to sit beside her friend on the couch.

"Okay," Addison sighed as she reached for a water bottle. "Tired, but really happy. I love him so much."

"Get used to it," Derek laughed. "The girls are two months old and we're still tired. We will be for years."

"They're sleeping a little better," Meredith nodded. "Only waking up once a night. Of course not at the same time, but it's better than waking up six or seven times a night. That was horrible."

Addison smiled as she looked down at the babies on the floor, smiling as Melanie looked at the teddy bear Derek held above their heads. "They're getting so big," she commented.

"I know," Meredith sighed. "I feel like I was just in your position, completely exhausted after giving birth and staying awake all night. And now they can practically talk. Next thing I know they'll be walking."

"Derek's a great father," Addison observed as she watched him lean down to tickle Becky's stomach, causing her to giggle loudly.

"He is," Meredith smiled, her eyes on her husband. "He's amazing. He finds time to do it all. Be an amazing father, a great husband, and make up for all the time he took off of work. I don't know how he does it, I'm completely busy just being Mommy. Derek's good about reminding me to be Meredith."

"Well, you look fantastic," Addison said, looking at Meredith's waist. "Have you lost all your weight?"

"I wish," Meredith sighed. "I've still got three sizes to drop to get down to my pre pregnancy body."

"Well, you're going to have to tell me your secret," Addison sighed. "I still feel like a cow."

"You look great," Meredith said. "Definitely not a cow. And you only had one baby. Try having two."

Addison sighed as she leaned into the couch. "Mark says that too," she breathed. "But I'm not sure I believe him."

"It's only been a week," Meredith smiled. "You'll get back into shape. Make sure you use nap time to work out. It works well."

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