"But I'll be away from my girls all day," he sighed. "I'm going to miss you. All three of you."

"We'll miss you too," she smiled, reaching out to run a hand through his hair. "But you're a doctor. Who just took four and a half months off. You can't go back yet."

"But the girls came early," Derek sighed. "Technically I have two more weeks."

"Who says?" Meredith giggled.

"Me," Derek nodded. "I was supposed to have six weeks off after your original delivery. You delivered at thirty five weeks instead of thirty seven. Which means the girls should only be four weeks old, and I have two more weeks off."

"I'm going to blame that twisted logic on lack of sleep," Meredith sighed.

"What if one of them talks?" Derek asked.

"They're six weeks old."

"So?" Derek asked. "They're my children, they're geniuses."

"They just started giggling."

"Becky did," Derek sighed. "Miss Melanie hasn't quite grasped the concept yet."

"She will," Meredith nodded, pressing a kiss to Melanie's forehead. "We can't compare them to each other, Der. It's not healthy."

"I know," Derek nodded, setting Becky's bottle on the nightstand and shifting her to burp her. "Are you really going to make me go back to work?"

"Yes," Meredith nodded. "You're driving us crazy."

"What?" Derek frowned as Becky let out a soft burp and he moved her to rest on the bed. "Am I driving you crazy, butterfly?"

Becky looked up at him for a moment as he reached down to blow a raspberry on her bare tummy, causing her to giggle slightly.

"Maybe not her," Meredith sighed.

"Oh, Mel loves me too," Derek smiled, reaching for his look alike and laying her down next to her sister. "Right princess? Daddy's not driving you crazy."

Melanie stared up at him for a moment before she reached up to slap at his nose, echoing her sister's giggles as he pulled away with a frown. "Mel," Derek breathed, reaching down to blow a raspberry on her tummy as well, causing her giggles to increase as well. "You're laughing."

"Oh, sweetheart, good job," Meredith smiled, leaning down to kiss her forehead softly. "Mommy's proud of you."

"So is Daddy," Derek smiled. "Both my girls got Mommy's giggle. Which means my life is officially perfect."

"You have to go get ready for work," Meredith pointed out gently.

"And now it's not perfect anymore," Derek frowned.

"Sorry," she shrugged. "I'm practicing for when it's time to drag the girls out of bed for school."

"Well, you're just as annoying as my mom was," Derek sighed, leaning down to kiss each of his babies. "Daddy's going to go shower, girls. But Mommy's here, and I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Until he has to go to work," Meredith giggled as she leaned down to gently tickle her daughters' tummies.

"Mean," Derek sighed as he made his way towards the bathroom. He paused for a moment as he stopped to look at his wife. She was completely beautiful as she sat on their bed, the giggles of their little girls mixing with her own. She had been so nervous to be a mom, so sure that she was going to mess something up, but those fears had been completely unnecessary. There were moments like these when he loved to simply watch her as she cared for their babies, and in this single moment, he was sure that she had the capability to outshine his own mother in the amazing mom category.

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