"I'm sorry," Derek whispered, tentatively reaching for her hand. "I just...I'm in over my head with this, Mer."

"Think of it as practice," Meredith giggled. "For when the girls are dating."

"No dating until they're thirty," Derek shook his head. "No, make it forty."

"I don't think they'll like that," Meredith smiled, standing on tip toes to kiss him gently. "Should we both go talk to her?"

"Sounds good," Derek nodded, taking her hand and leading her towards the stairs. Before she made it up the first three steps, the front door burst open and Mark stormed in.

"Where is she?" he demanded.

"What?" Derek asked.

"Lizzie," Mark replied. "Addison just told me."

"Mark, she's fine," Derek sighed. "We've got it under control."

"The hell you do," Mark frowned. "I'm going to buy a gun."

"What?" Derek and Meredith asked together.

"I've got to hunt this Shawn jackass down," Mark ranted. "I'll need your help, Shep."

"You're not buying a gun," Derek rolled his eyes. "We don't need this right now, Mark, Liz is upset enough."

"She should be upset, that bastard screwed her over."

"Mark, can you please just let me take care of this?" Derek snapped. "Once she's accepted this, then we can think about Shawn."

"You're just going to let her go through this by herself?"

"She doesn't have much of a choice!" Derek replied. "She won't even tell Mom!"

"Derek," Meredith said, reaching out to grasp the banister as another hand went to her stomach.

"You have to force her to tell your mom!" Mark said. "Otherwise she'll never do it."

"She's scared right now, she needs time."

"That's rich, coming from the guy who called me ranting at midnight about how upset he was that his sister was completely irresponsible."

"Derek," Meredith breathed, moving to lean against the wall.

"I got over it," Derek shouted at Mark. "Yes, I'm disappointed, but she's still my sister. I'm going to help her take responsibility."

"Stop it!" a voice shouted from the stairs and Derek and Mark both turned to see Liz standing in the middle of the staircase. "Stop arguing over me like I can't make my own decisions!" she cried. "I'm pregnant, not brain dead. I can take care of myself and this baby."

"Liz," Derek sighed. "We're just trying to make sure you're taken care of."

"Derek," Meredith said firmly from the corner of the stairs, and he rolled his eyes as he turned to look at her.

"Mer, I really don't need a lecture..." his eyes widened as he saw her leaning heavily against the wall, clutching her stomach tightly. "What's wrong?" he asked as he rushed to her side.

All the anger in the foyer rushed out of the room as Mark and Liz rushed to her side as well.

"I think I'm having contractions," Meredith breathed, clutching Derek's hand tightly.

"Real contractions?" Derek breathed. "Or Braxton Hicks?"

"I don't know, Derek," she snapped. "I've never had contractions before."

"Well...how long are they?"

"I think that was the first one," Meredith breathed, shifting her weight to him. "Derek, I'm only six months. They can't..."

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