"And cake," a guy added, holding up a cake.

"You're so getting A's for that," Meredith said. "Come in. I'm so glad to see you guys, I wish I hadn't had to leave."

Derek watched as his wife disappeared into the living room, surrounded by five teenagers. He hadn't been expecting this, but if that's what it took to make her snap out of her current mood swing, he would take it. As long as he made sure her blood pressure didn't go up.

"Oh, Derek," Meredith smiled, reaching for him happily as he walked into the room a moment later. "These are some of my top students. This is Ethan, Kelly, Kenny, Laura, and Al."

Derek smiled at the students as he sat down on the couch beside Meredith. "Do you need anything?" he asked.

"No, we're good," Meredith smiled. "Or...maybe some plates and forks for the cake? And a knife?"

"Of course," Derek said, kissing her cheek softly before moving to the kitchen for the requested items.

"Wow, Mrs. Shepherd," Kelly breathed. "Your husband is amazing."

"Hmm," Meredith smiled, leaning into the couch as she rubbed her stomach gently. "He has been pretty great."

"He's cute too," Laura giggled.

"Don't tell him that," Meredith rolled her eyes. "How's everything at school? Do you like your new teacher?"

"She's okay," Ethan shrugged. "She's not you."

"Is that a good or a bad thing?" Meredith asked, a sparkle in her eyes.

"Bad," Kenny nodded. "It's all...reading and writing papers."

"That's what school is," Meredith laughed.

"Not with you," Kelly sighed. "You make it fun."

"I'm glad you enjoyed my class," Meredith smiled. "I'm sorry I had to leave early."

"We get it," Al nodded. "It's important for you to do what's best for your babies."

"Here we are," Derek announced, walking into the living room with plates and knives. "Mer, are you okay here for a little while?"

"Yeah," she said, looking up at him. "Why?"

"Mark just called. He said Addie dragged him out to the baby store, and he picked up the car seats we had on layaway," Derek said. "I was going to pick them up from the hospital and get you that strawberry smoothie you were asking for earlier."

"Okay," Meredith smiled, reaching up to kiss him quickly. "I love you."

"Love you too," he smiled. He straightened and looked at the students. "Make sure she paces herself."

"Derek," Meredith rolled her eyes.

"Sorry," Derek sighed. "I'm going."

"Tell Mark hi for us," Meredith called after him before she turned back to her students, smiling as she leaned into the couch and shoved a piece of cake into her mouth, excited to have an afternoon with her favorite students.


"I can't believe they did that," Meredith smiled later that night as she watched Derek change into his pajamas.

"You must have really made a good impression on their lives," Derek smiled, stopping to kiss her forehead before moving towards the bathroom. "I'm proud of you, Mer. It's not easy to make a good impression on teenagers."

"I can't..." Meredith smiled as she leaned back into the pillows. "I can't believe that they love me that much."

"You're an amazing teacher, Mer," Derek said around his toothbrush. "God, I would have killed for a teacher like you in high school."

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