Derek frowned, but Meredith giggled as she patted his shoulder. "It's true," she nodded. "All I have to do is give you those eyes you love."

"That's...totally true," Derek sighed. "If my daughters inherit that, I'm doomed."

"Mark says you're already whipped," Addison laughed.

"Come sit, Mer," Kathleen said, guiding her to the armchair in the living room.

"I can't believe you guys did this," she sighed as Derek lowered himself onto the arm of the chair.

"We had to," Nancy said. "You're giving us more Shepherds."

"What..." Meredith sighed as she looked around the room. "I've never been to a baby shower before, so...what am I supposed to do?"

"You eat and open presents," Lexie laughed. "Oh, and we all took the liberty of suggesting names. We put them in a bowl, so it's more fun."

"Which would you like to do first, dear?" Emma asked.

"Names, definitely names," Meredith nodded, looking up at Derek.

"They need names," he nodded, taking the bowl from Liz. "You first, Mer."

She smiled as she looked down at the paper. "Alyse."

"Hmmm," Derek shook his head. "I don't think so." He reached in next. "Amanda."

Meredith didn't even respond as she reached into the bowl. "Andrea."




Meredith paused as she ran a hand over her stomach. "Rebecca," she murmured. "Becky."


"I love it," she said, looking up at him.

"I do too," Derek murmured, pressing a hand to her stomach.

"Should that it?"

"Definitely," Derek nodded. "We're halfway there," he announced to the women in the room. "Rebecca Shepherd. Becky."

"Becky Shepherd," Caitlin smiled. "It's perfect."

"That was totally mine," Lexie giggled.

"Good job," Meredith nodded in approval.

"Mine's still in there!" Addison protested.

"Sorry," Meredith smiled, reaching into the bowl. "Caroline."

"Hmm," Derek sighed. "We'll keep it on the list."

"Thanks," Addison rolled her eyes.

"Picking names is hard," Meredith defended. "Wait until you have to do it."

"Oh, I already have names picked out," Addison said softly, running a hand over her flat stomach.

"What are they?" Meredith asked.

"Aaron for a boy," Addison said, pausing awkwardly. "And um...Melanie for a girl."

"Melanie," Meredith whispered, digging her hand into Derek's leg. "That's...amazing."

Addison looked at her for a moment. "You should take it," she said, reaching for Meredith's free hand.

"What?" Meredith frowned. "We can't do that."

"It's your name, Addie," Derek added.

"Melanie Shepherd sounds a lot better than Melanie Montgomery," Addison sighed. "Or Melanie Sloan. But Mark's convinced it's a boy anyways."

Can't Help Falling in LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora