Chapter 53

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The presence of the night creatures could no longer be felt, and the time of curses and misgivings was over. In the city of Clegane, the people saw that a dark shadow no longer covers the castle of their kingdom. The Wolf Queen walks away from the castle to have her rest before she has to leave Clegane. She has to leave because there are more kingdoms out there with corruption and demon kings. Of all things, she hopes Brant is much better and can move again.

Then Lagertha sees Earl Argon walking from the city with many of his belongings in carriages. Behind him were all of his guards and all of those who served in his council. Lagertha sees they all changed their minds about her; they now see her as a true protector. Even the ones who thought of her as a person who served the night were now rethinking their opinions. The earl walks up to her to hand her a gift for the service she did for his people.

"Lagertha of Stockholm, the Wolf Queen. The slayer of demons, the usurper of demon kings, and violator of Hell's servants. You have done a great thing for me and my people, and we are honored by your very presence," Argon said. Lagertha bows her head and sees how much of their minds have changed about her appearance.

"You humble me, Earl Argon. What I've done, I did in the name of God and all who bow to him. The demons will no longer parade your people and your kingdom," she said. Lagertha lifts her head and receives the gift from the earl as the morning sun shines on her back.

The gift was a dagger made of glass; the beauty of the weapon was visible to her eyes, and it would prove very useful.

"Don't mind me asking, but where are you going with such glorious things on your carriages and horses?" Lagertha asked.

"You lifted the curse, Wolf Queen. You have done all of us a favor. We are going to that castle, where I shall anoint myself as king of Clegane," Argon said. A few seconds later, Greg was with his father with the promised gift he wanted to give to Lagertha.

He has not forgotten the promise he made to the Wolf Queen before she fought Mundis and saved Clegane's people. He was happy that Lagertha was alive, and he was glad he knew such a powerful knight. The gift was wrapped in a brown bag, and it was sown all by himself during the night.

"Hey, Lagertha! I have something for you!" Greg said. He hands over the bag to the Wolf Queen, and she receives it with great pleasure.

"Thank you. I hope we can meet again," Lagertha said.

"We shall meet in a week from now, Lagertha. After I proclaim myself a king, I shall prepare an opera for us all to enjoy. There will be a massive feast and a celebration in the name of our Lord and Savior. There shall be a new age for our people, and it's all thanks to you," Argon said. The day came for him to throw away his title as an earl and become a true king for the rest of his life.

"Now a question for you, where will you go?" He asked.

"I haven't decided yet. I will, however, attend this feast and give my loyalty to you. But first, I must go to the city and see how my friend is doing," Lagertha answered.

"Farewell, Wolf Queen," Argon said. He and his men rode off to the castle with their belongings, with no intention of returning to the city.

Lagertha looks at all the proud men who are thankful for what she did for Argon's people. She notices how amazed they are at the things that occurred and how sorry they are for treating her like a stranger. She expected the people to want forgiveness for comparing her to the servants of Mephiles. Her hunt for Midland's king will have to wait for a long time because of the rest she deserves. Lagertha returns to the city to look for the inn that Brant was staying in during their time in Clegane.

It seems as if the two demon hunters will have an extra week of staying in the inn until the celebration occurs. Lagertha and Brant will have enough time to be with each other and do whatever they wish until that day comes. As she walks, she sees Clegane's people walking over to her, and they wish to lay their hands on her. They want her blessing over them; they wish to thank her for the mighty thing she did for their city. Their city was now ready to become a kingdom safe from the hands of Hell's minions.

Some children wanted to receive what the people wanted from her during the morning. Then Lagertha's expression went from being happy to being emotional with the citizens who wanted her. One of the little girls wrapped her arms around the Wolf Queen's stomach to hug her. One of the little boys shook her hand and made sure he did not touch her sharp nails. She has tears streaming down her face after understanding their needs and wants.

The men wanted Lagertha to receive one of their weapons as gratitude, but she could only take one. The women wanted her to accept heirloom rings and jewels for her travels. Wherever she went, she could hear people rejoicing, and she could feel the happiness of their hearts and souls. The Wolf Queen has tears of joy run down her face after receiving so much love. She expected nothing less from the inn as soon as she entered to see her boyfriend.

So many people of the city wanted her blessings over them, and they wanted to give their gratitude to her. Lagertha did not hesitate in hugging one of the little girls and welcoming one of the little boys. She had no hate or contempt against children, yet she was fearful of not being careful about them. She feared she might accidentally give one boy a scar on his face, yet she remained calm. Lagertha calmed herself and walked towards the hotel as the morning was still visible.

The Wolf Queen heard sounds of men and women shouting her name in a way to give thanks to her. They wanted her to stay with them and tell tales of her bravery and honor to even their children. She ignores them and opens the doors of the hotel to be with Brant until the celebration comes. She walks inside and hears a few men talking about her and how her power defeated the night creatures.

"Hail Lagertha! Hail to the slayer of demons! Let every cup be raised!" A man shouted. And as he said that, all the men and women lifted their chalices and cups, and they all became merry.

Lagertha acknowledged the change of attitude the good people of Clegane had when they understood her as a hero. The Wolf Queen had no time to speak to them as she hurried to the room she and Brant were renting. She could not resist the amount of praise given to her as the morning sun shines on the city. Brant was still in the room as Lagertha instructed him to do, yet nobody was told of what would happen to him. Suddenly, the innkeeper stops the Wolf Queen from going any further because he wants a word with her.

"Lagertha, come quick," he said.

"Is there something you need?" She asked.

"No, but more of an offer. Considering that you are the Wolf Queen, you get free access to anywhere in this city. You killed that demon king, you can be here for as long as you wish!" He said. The offer was something a madman would refuse, and such an offer would be beneficial in Lagertha's journey.

"Thank you. It's been a great pleasure to be here," she said.

"The pleasure is ours. You will always be welcome here. You are truly a hero in the eyes of Clegane," the innkeeper said. As he said this, Lagertha bows her head and starts walking to her room as many more people talk about her.

She could still hear her name be used by other people during the morning; she had no business being with them. Despite doing a tremendous deed for Clegane's people, the only thing she truly cared about was seeing Brant alive. The only thing worth seeing in her mind was to see him live to fight by her side against her foes. Lagertha no longer wanted to be alone after not seeing her best friend for an entire year. Without hesitation, Lagertha slowly opens the door and sees Brant staring outside at the morning sky.

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