"I- oh!"

I quickly pushed the gas and continued my drive.

I glanced in the mirror to see that my hair was in two neat buns and my bangs were neatly finger combed and patted back into place. It looked cute.

"Oh my gosh this is so cute, thanks little sis." I said with a smile and I noticed how her big eyes were back on me. I'll hold off on the Jade situation for now. It could just be my mind playing tricks on me. I haven't slept since we got back. Only an hour of sleep.

Finally I pulled into the parking lot and we both got out to walk.

"Hey you aren't limping or anything. How bad does it hurt? I've got your meds. You should take one right now." I quickly grabbed the pills out of my pocket in a mini ziploc.

"Since Mom and Dad aren't here to get on us, I thought it would be a nice time to-" I paused as I opened the door to see the previous mess I tried to forget about.

"Oooohh." I groaned in misery. I had came up with an idea to throw a small celebration for her return home but Mom, Dad, Trina, and Dad's two friends made a mess. And then they got the call and had to leave before cleaning anything.

I looked to my right to see that she was gone. Then I heard some clutter towards the sofa and immediately I went to her side.

"What are you doing? No this is the grownups' mess." I said quickly as I noticed the sofa had been cleaned. It looked so comfy right now. My throbbing headache and the pain down there intensified as I resisted the urge to just plop down and rest.

Then realization hit me and I rushed off to the bathroom without a word.

I sighed as I saw the red in the toilet after I stood to wipe. I groaned in misery. I totally forgot. I looked at myself in the mirror.

"My hair mocks me." I said as I pouted.

I quickly tucked some tissue into my panties for now and I made a very wide legged walk to the door.

Fudge, I forgot to lock the car and I left my phone in there. It's probably hot and burning right now. I quickly did my wonky walk to the living space and then outside but not before I poked my head inside to tell Xaphaite, who was watching me closely, "Hey I'll be right back. Try to get comfortable, I'll be back to make us some food and find a movie to watch," I said before quickly closing the door. "

Walking away from her in there by herself felt so wrong to me so I tried my best to hurry for these two reasons.

I ended up dropping my phone beside the drivers seat and I groaned even louder at that. I haven't even worked on this fricken song I'm supposed to make with that boy from before and another female partner that I obviously DON'T have.

I'm so miserable. I only have a week left. I can't fail this project, it'll bring me down to a C.

I sat down in the car just to be miserable for a couple of minutes before sighing realizing the two reasons I needed to hurry back inside again.

I sighed getting up to come back to the one thing that can make me both smile and think hard at the same time.


Xaphaite's P.O.V.

As I was leaving the bathroom, I connected the dots and stretched as I flushed the toilet of red that Tori left in it.

I'm sure she's very stressed right now. What kind of a sister would I be if I just let her take care of me when she needs to be tended to?

I rushed upstairs and straight into the room I shared with Tori now and went into my duffel bag and grabbed the bag of those fluffy square thingies I picked out once on Mr. Crow's phone that I never got to use. They were purple. I wanted the really really big ones because I thought that the  bigger the better.

VICTORIOUS: EXCLUDING MEWhere stories live. Discover now