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That gif is omg. Nate's MAGICAL TONGUE *insert heart eye emoji* 

Song: Touch - Troye Sivan 


Rose's POV 

"So what did he say?" Samantha asks, talking about Nate. 

"That I have to choose between him or Mason." 

"That's a dick move." 

"I know! But I want to choose him but last time he lost control when he was drunk." 

"I mean he was drunk.. wait WHAT?" She yells

"Oh I forgot to tell you..." 

"These are the things you don't simply "forget" to tell your best friend in the entire world!" 

"Okay let's not get ahead of ourselves you ain't that special." 

At that moment, two heavy couch cushions came spiraling to my head making the top half of my body flop on the bed. 

"um OW" I yell, rubbing my temple. 

"Tell me what happened asshole." Samantha says rolling her eyes. 

I proceed to tell her everything that happened that I didn't fill her in with. Then I might or might not have indirectly admitted my mixed feelings toward Nate. 

"You love Nate." 

Do I? 

"I don't know man this shit is so weird. But I do have feelings for him." 

"Yes! You can't hide shit!" Samantha screams, raising a fist in the air. I roll my eyes and start to get ready for the day. 

"Babe, you do realize you're leading Mason on right?" 

"I don't know how to break up with him! I have never broke up with anyone before." 

"This is what you're going to do..." 


I can't do this. 

Samantha said that I should go march up to him and just break up with him. Easy for her to say! She had plenty of boyfriends before.

Here I am waiting for Mason by the boardwalk about to shit my pants. 

"Hello beautiful." A deep, familiar British accent says from behind me. 

"Uh hi. Look, we need to talk." 

"That mustn't be good." He chuckles and steps closer. 

He leans forward and presses his lips to mine but I didn't kiss back. 

"Okay, it must be serious." Mason says looking worried. 

"Look Mason, you're a great guy but-" 

"Are you breaking up with me?" 

"Um.. yeah." 

"Why? Who is it? What does he have that I don't?" 

Oh no. I did not expect this reaction. 

"It doesn't matter, I just don't want to hurt you. You deserve someone better." 

"No, no. I just want you, Rose!" 

He crashes his lips to mine again and grabs my hips. I fought it off the best I could. He slips his cold hand underneath my shirt and I gasp which he takes as an opportunity to shove his tongue down my throat. 

Friends With Benefits (Skate Maloley)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang