"It's both proud and infuriating that both of my kids don't plan on using my money while I'm always pushing them to do so."

Irma was no less than Sarim when it came to being independent. She planned on living with Farwa and Nauman but her expenses were handled by herself. She never refused whatever help Sarim or Nuaman tried giving her but for the most part she was the boss and they loved the way it had boosted her confidence in her own abilities. She was happy and she was thriving, something her parents and brother were forever going to be ecstatic about.

Sarim laughed, making Nauman smile as well. He would find a way to spoil them but this household and its patterns were changing for the better. Nauman wasn't having his way but he was proud of it and this was wholesome.

They were finally the family they were always supposed to be.


The silence was uncharacteristic for a meet up of the three but it was understandable because the often chaos monger was right now leaning against the bed with his face contorted in deep concentration.

Sarim played with his phone sitting at some distance but in reality he was waiting for the conversation to actually start. He gave an impatient look towards Izaan who glared at him and gestured to be quiet. Hesham would talk when he wanted to talk.

Sarim rolled his eyes.

As if.

"So, lemme get this straight."

Izaan looked heavenwards. It was pointless with these two.

Hesham glanced in Sarim's way without saying anything.

"You wanted to think and since the atmosphere in your house is anything but calm these days, your first idea was driving here and be an uninvited guest. Understandable. Especially with you but can you please do us a favour and start talking? We aren't telepaths if you haven't noticed."

Hesham narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, I have noticed."

Izaan leaned forward. It was good that Hesham wasn't silent anymore because now was the right time to ask him what his deal was anyway.

"You said you talked it out with Zonish."

Hesham pursed his lips. Sarim raised an eyebrow and Izaan looked on expectantly.

It was just a week back when Safwa called them all telling them about this new development in Hesham's life. Sarim and Izaan weren't as surprised though, they'd be if the things hadn't progressed this way. It was a long time coming.

"I did and we agreed to think about it. It wasn't something both of us felt was impossible. But that's the hard part. The thinking part."

Sarim snorted.

"Again, Understandable."

Izaan threw the cushion at Sarim who ducked but sobered immediately.

They waited for Hesham to continue and he did.

"I'm just...it's pretty overwhelming. Considering the fact that you're about to share your life with someone, your routine and there will be adjustments to make. I don't want any of us to compromise, you know. I know Zoni. I know she will straight out tell this on my face if she doesn't like anything but it doesn't change the fact that all this is very new and at times very confusing. And I'm feeling like this being a guy, imagine how it would be for Zoni."

"Well, knowing her, I can say she must be handling it better than you."

Sarim was right. Hesham knew she must be. She was always good at it. They hadn't talked much after that meeting. Both of them were coming to terms with what agreeing to this would entail.

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