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"Are you sure about this sweetie? You can wait for another year then decide again. I mean you will be-" my mom has yet again trying to change my mind.

"Mom, I have decided already! Besides, it's not like I am going somewhere foreign! I will just be staying at Aunt mellie's place in Los Angeles. Not somewhere in London or to a godforsaken place!" I whined to stop mom from changing my mind. I mean she had never stop Since I told her my plan right after school.

"Fine! Fine! You made up your mind and I know I can't do anything to persuade you out of it. Have you informed your dad already?"

"Yup! I called him and he said it's okay as long as I visit during the weekends and on holidays and school breaks." I gave mom my warmest smile. I can tell she has something on her mind judging from the look she is giving me.

"Spill it out mom. I know you have something to say" I sigh and waited for her to say what she wants to say.

"What about Daniel?" I know she will eventually inject him in this talk and thank god I came prepared for it.

"I told him already. He did not like it one bit but him, being my bestfriend, he sure was still happy for me and will also visit me there when he has some vacant time."


Judging from my moms expression she fell for it. Good.

"But why does it have to be tomorrow? Why so soon? You just graduated two days ago. Are you running away from something? Or maybe from Someone?" I can tell she can sense something from my facade. Shit!!

"What? Ofcourse not?! why would you even think that!! I just- I mean, I am going to L.A mom! Who in their teenage mind wouldn't want to transfer there? And I know you would do the same! Admit it!!" I was panicking but is trying hard to cover it.

"I guess so. Yeah, you are right. Fine. Make sure to prepare your things since you booked an early flight. For someone who is not a morning person. You badly wanted this trip huh?" She gave me one last look then kissed my forehead before heading to the kitchen.

"I have already packed my stuffs yesterday! I'll just call Danny before calling it a night! Good night mom! And you are the best! Love yah!!" I ran towards my room and jump on my bed. I will surely miss this room, My bed, my home, school.



The reason why I am leaving is for me to forget about him. I know, I sure am a chicken for not confessing about how I truly feel and just leave without saying goodbye. But It's better that way. He can hate me for leaving and not saying goodbye rather than hating me for loving him. That would be awkward. It's better this way. Call me selfish.

I was cut of from my deep thoughts when my phone rang.

speaking of the devil.

"Hello?" I tried to sound perky like how I usually sound everytime I answer his calls but I failed. Damn it!

"Hey, is something wrong? Do you want me to stay the night over?" Oh god! With a worried voice how can I stop myself from crying. Suck it up Chelsea! Lie!

"I just finished watching this movie and I cried a river!!" I guess he believed me when he laughed. "Ofcourse you did! You always do, you cry baby!" He paused before speaking. "So, I was wondering-" i knew it!

Those words meant one thing, and I don't like how it will end. My dear heart, please survive another heartache. I promise you, this will be the very last time. Stay strong.

"I met this girl, well actually she came to me and asked me to go to her place. So uhm, should I bring pizza and some canned beers or not? I mean, she might think less of me and think I want her drunk. I wouldn't want that impression on our first hook up. Just plain flowers or pizza with booze?" He sounded so happy and I can tell a bit nervous from his upcoming date.

"If she is one of those normal girls then flowers would work best but if she looks like one of your bimboos then even a box of condom will not even matter. You being there is enough for her. Trust me." I sounded pissed and I can tell he can detect it from the sound of my voice.

"Awww.. Is my chelsea welsy jealous? You know you will always be my number 1 right? Right? Anyways, I gottah run. Love you babe And thanks. See you tomorrow!"



And he is gone.

Tears came rolling down and I can't do anything to stop it. It hurts. Seeing him with other girls. Kissing. Holding hands. It's not like I can do anything about it. We are bestfriends after all and that's all we'll ever be.

Best of friends

"Goodbye Daniel and yes, I love you.. More than words can say." I cried until darkness took over me.

Walking Away With A Smile [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now