Chapter 9

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"Ok. So, I know your favourite colour, food and what you like to do in your free time. Why won't you tell me anything else?" I ask, looking up at Ruv. During the time we got to 'know' each other we ended up cuddling together on the bed. "Because." He responds plainly. "Why don't you tell me about your childhood?" I ask. "I do not enjoy talking about it." He mumbles back. "You know almost everything about me. And you won't tell me anything about yourself?" I say sitting up and crossing my arms.

I check the time and it's around 10pm. "Well, I'm going to bed now. Goodnight." I say standing up. He sits up and looks at me. "Don't you want to say here tonight?" He asks. "Why not tomorrow night? One last night in my bed." I say smiling. He nods and I walk over to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. I walk to my room and lie down in bed and smile, drifting off to sleep.

The next day

I wake up excitedly and leave my room. I walk over to Ruvs room and knock on the door. He opens it and frowns down at me. "Morning!" I say happily. He grunts in response and pushes pass me. I frown at him and float after him. "What's wrong?" I ask. He stops and spins to face me, obviously upset. "You didn't mean it yesterday." He says. "What? Of course I did-"

"No you didn't!" He yells. "You didn't say I love you back, you didn't even want to stay with me last night!" He shouts. The church shakes a little which makes me jump. "No I do it's just-" he cut me off. "You couldn't even say it then." He mumbles staring at me. A single tear falls from his eye and his face remains in his usual frown. He walks off and I stand there, not sure what to do. I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks as I storm off to my room and slam the door.

I sit in bed and cry for a bit. I would leave but I dont have enough energy so all I can do is sit here and cry. I check my phone multiple times for messages from Ruv but there's nothing. I read through the conversations we've had which makes me cry even more. I hear shouting which leads to heavy footsteps outside my room and the door slamming next to me. Ruv yells and it goes quiet. I get out from bed and walk out of my room. I walk over to Ruvs room and knock on the door hesitantly. He opens it and frowns down at me, cheeks pink from crying.

"Are you ok?" I ask. "Why would you care?" He snaps back. "I do care." I respond desperately. "If you did care you would've said it back." He says before trying to shut the door. I stop him from shutting it which make him glare at me. "Look. I'm sorry. I'm sorry you thought I didn't love you. I do. I love you Ruv." I say. We stand there in silence for around a minute, staring at each other. I wrap my arms around him and he does the same, running his fingers up and down my back.

We walk over and sit on the bed. I lean on his side and he puts his arm around me and I smile. "You can't stay here. Sarv said that you'll end up disappearing." Ruv mumbles. "You could come with me."I say looking up at him. "It won't matter. You'll still disappear." He says back, looking down at me. "You could die. Then we'll be together forever!" I say back. He shakes his head and I frown. "I can't leave. I belong here. I need to stay here with Sarv." He says back. I stare down at the floor and we sit in silence for a bit.

"Why don't I haunt the church?" I ask looking up at him. He looks back at me confused. "I mean, I could technically haunt here and I wouldn't leave." I say. He nods in response. "So how do you haunt a place?" He asks. "Not sure. Guess we'll have to wait and see." I reply. "So are you staying here with me?" He asks. I nod and he smiles. "I love you Y/n." He says looking down at me. "I love you too Ruv." I say back. Our lips go to meet but they don't. Ruv rests his forehead on mine and I smile.
"Don't ever leave me Y/n." He says.

Word count: 782
I apologise for the short chapter and late update!
But this is (most likely) the last chapter!
I appreciate everyone reading this and I really hope you enjoyed it! :)
When I started writing this I didn't expect anyone to read this! I really enjoyed waking up to notifications from you!
Remember to look after yourselves and have a good day/night! <3

Don't Leave Me... -Ruv x gender neutral!readerWhere stories live. Discover now