Chapter 3

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I wake up to a tapping at my shoulder. I groan and look up to Ruv standing next to my bed still tapping my shoulder.

"Morning." I mumble up at him. "Afternoon." He replies. "Is it that late?" I say sitting up. He nods in response. I look down at my bed to see the black cat from the other day asleep on my bed. "When did the cat come in?" I ask looking up at Ruv. He stares down at the cat and shrugs. I pet the cat and Ruv stares down at the floor. "What's wrong?" I say looking up at him frowning. "Nothing." He says walking out of my room. I look down at the cat and smile. "Boys are so confusing." I mumble and the cat purrs in response.

I get up and hover after Ruv. He looks over at me and frowns, looking away. "I get your sour all the time but what's wrong? You seem different." I ask looking at him. "Can you possess things?" He asks ignoring the question. "Maybe. Haven't really tried it." I say back. "We'll try it then." He mumbles back looking at me. I shrug and go invisible, flying into Ruv. I look down and move my hands, which are now Ruvs, and smile. "Ow, smiling does hurt. But I possessed something."

I pull myself out of Ruv and make myself visible again. Ruvs staring down at me with his eyes wide and shocked. "What? It looks like you've seen a ghost!" I say smirking. "Your not funny." He mumbles rubbing his face. "Well, I can possess things." I say smiling. "Don't do it to me again." He says frowning.

"Oh good! Y/n your awake! I was worried for second!" Sarv sighs in relief after seeing us. "Do you have any food?" I ask Sarv. "Of course! Ruv will show you to the kitchen." He grunts and I follow him down a hallway.

The kitchens quite big. I go to the pantry and open it seeing all types of food. "Why do you have so much food?" I ask Ruv. "Sarv likes do do these homeless meal things." He mumbles, leaning on the counter. I get out (food you want) and start eating it. "How did you die?" Ruv asks looking up at me. I look down at the floor and shrug. "From death." I reply. "Seriously. How did you?" He asks again walking closer to me. "Car accident..." I mumble. I feel tears fall down my face as I remember that night.

I was in the car with my mother. She was driving and I was in passenger. We got into a pretty bad argument at the time. We were yelling at each other and she looked away from the road for a split second. She crashed into a truck, crushing the front of the car. Something fell from the truck and smashed the front window, heading straight for me. I coughed up blood and looked down at the long metal pole coming out from my stomach. I stared at it, my mother panicking next to me and peoples voices and sirens in the distance. I got really tired and put my head back, going to sleep. That's when I woke up on the road leading to the church.

I feel my hands shake and look down at them. Tears drop down on them and I feel my body go weak. "Are you ok?" Ruv asks putting his hands on my shoulders. I nod, not to sure what else to do. I go weak against his chest and he wraps his arms around me, holding me up. Ruv strokes the back of my head to comfort me and it makes me feel a bit better. I pull away from him and wipe my eyes, smiling. "I'm gonna go now." I say going invisible.

I float up to my room and sit on my bed and sigh. "Mew." The cat meows, sitting on my lap. "Your a pretty cat. I'm gonna name you (pet name)." I say stroking the cats back. It purrs in response and I smile. I sit there petting the cat in silence for a bit. I hear the door next door open and shut. I stand up and stick my head through the wall and see Ruv. He takes his hat and jacket off, revealing a black turtle neck. His turtle neck looked quite tight, revealing many of his muscles. I feel my my face go red and look away. I go sit on my bed and lie down, shutting my eyes.

A few hours later

I wake up and look around. I assume I fell asleep because it's currently dark outside. There's crashing and slamming in the room next door. I frown and stick my head through the wall to find Ruv drinking from a vodka bottle. I walk into his room and cross my arms. "What are you doing?" I ask frowning at him. "Nothing." He mumbles. "How much have you drunken?" I ask. He glances over at about four empty bottles then looks back at me. "Ok. Give me the bottle." I say sticking my hand out. He curses under his breath in Russian and hands me the bottle.

I sit down on the bed next to him and sigh. "You took my vodka." He mumbles. "I did. Now lie down please." I say standing up. He lies down and shuts his eyes. "Goodnight." I whisper to him. "Don't leave." He says opening his eyes. I give him a kiss on the forehead and run my fingers through his hair. He mumbles something in Russian and I can't tell if it's good or bad but he's fallen asleep. I walk back to my room and lie down. I'm not tired, but my head is spinning with a mix of feelings and once again, they're all about Ruv.

Word count: 988
Aaaaa sorry for the late update it's been hard with school and stuff. -////-
Anyways so many people are reading this it makes me happy so thank you. <33
Remember to look after yourselves and have a good day/night. :)

Don't Leave Me... -Ruv x gender neutral!readerWhere stories live. Discover now