Chapter 2

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I watch the sunrise through my window and sigh. As a ghost I guess I don't need much sleep, so it was a long night last night. I stick my head through the wall and check on Ruv, who's currently sleeping. I checked on him every few hours last night. I'm not to sure why. I decide to leave my room and fly down to the main part of the church.

"Good morning Y/n!" Sarv says excitedly to me. "Morning." I reply. I hover over to what looks like a back door and look out. There's lots of pretty gardens with multicoloured flowers and trees around the garden beds. In the centre there's gravestones scattered around. "I see you've found the graveyard. Theres going to be a funeral today. Your welcome to join." She says walking over to me. I shake my head and walk away from the door.

I got to the entrance and open the door. A small black cat is sitting at the doorway and looks up at me. "Meow?" It cautiously meows walking up to me. I squat down and pet the cat. It leans against my hand and I smile. "That darn cat. I always comes when something is on." Sarv mumbles. The cat runs of and I stand up to face Sarv. "What time is it?" I ask. "About 9 o'clock." She responds. "Sun rises quite late then." I mumble. "Yes it does. If you don't mind, could you go wake up Ruv? I need his help setting up." I nod and walk off.

I stand out the front of his door wondering if I should knock of just go straight in. As I go to knock on the door it opens and once again his tall shadow is standing over me. "Morning." I say putting my hand down. "Morning. Sorry for yelling yesterday. I was tired." He mumbles in his deep voice walking past me. "Sarv wants your help with setting up for a funeral." I say, hovering up next to his head. He grunts in response.

When we get to where Sarv is, Ruv walks off into what seems to be a storage room. "Is he always this moody?" I ask Sarv. "Most of the time." She replies. She walks off to finish what she was doing and I decide to follow Ruv into the storage room.

"Watcha doing?" I ask Ruv, hovering over his shoulder. He's rummaging through boxes and throwing stuff on the floor. "Helping Sarv." He replies. "What? By making a mess?" I ask back. He turns to face me and frowns. "Why do you never smile?" I ask. "Why do you have to ask questions?" He snaps back. I roll my eyes and go sit on a crate, watching him keep throwing stuff on the floor.

He finally finds what he was looking for and sits down next to me. He's holding a box and puts it gently on the floor in front of him. I open the box and look inside. It's multiple copies of his face on a wanted poster. "What kind of joke is this?" I ask taking a piece paper from the box. "What do you mean joke?" He asks frowning down at me. "So you're a wanted man hm?" I ask putting the poster next to his face. He looks down at the floor embarrassed and I smile. "You should smile more." I say looking at him. "I can't." He mumbles. "Why not?" I ask him, frowning. He looks up at me then back down to the floor. "It hurts to much." He responds. We stand up and take the posters to Sarv.

Later on when the funeral started, Ruv and I went to our rooms. I get bored to I walk into Ruvs room and find him reading. I flop on his bed and he looks down at me. "What?" He asks. "I'm bored." I whine in response. "Good for you." He says annoyed looking back at his book. I take to book from his hands and try to read it. "What language is this?" I ask. "Russian." He responds harshly taking the book back from my hands. "What's the story about?" I ask moving back to sit with him. "It's about an annoying little ghost who doesn't know when to shut up." He replies looking down at the book. "Very funny." I say sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"Can you read it to me?" I ask looking up at him. He looks down at me and sighs. He starts reading out loud in English so I can understand it. I stare at his face while he reads. His voice is really soothing and mesmerising as he reads. His face concentrated and beautiful. I feel myself drifting off to sleep. My eyes shut and I feel myself fall on something warm. I assume it's Ruvs arm because he goes quiet seeing I'm asleep.

Later on that night

I wake up feeling a heavy weight on me. I look up to see Ruv asleep leaning on me. His book open in his hand. I move out from under his weight which wakes him up a bit. "You can lie down now." I whisper to him. He mumbles and lies down. "Goodnight." I whisper to him. "Night." He mumbles, clearly showing how tired he is. I take his hat off for him because it doesn't look to comfortable to sleep him and put it next to him. I stroke his hair, smiling down at his peaceful, sleeping face.

I walk into my room and lie down. I stare up at the roof and feel a smile grow on my face. I cover my face in embarrassment because the reason I'm smiling is Ruv. I'm not to sure why he's making me smile like an idiot, let alone why I'm thinking about him. I drift off to sleep once again, still smiling with the thought of Ruv.

Word count: 994
I didn't expect anyone to read this but thanks for reading. :)
I'll try update this as frequently as possible but with school and stuff it might be a bit hard.
Anyways, have a good day/night and remember to look after yourself. <3

Don't Leave Me... -Ruv x gender neutral!readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt