Chapter 4

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I groan, pulling myself up out of bed. I didn't get much sleep last night and the sleep I did get it didn't last very long. I decide to get up and go down to the kitchen. I look in the cupboards and fridge not sure what I want. I decide to have (preferred hot drink) to wake me up a bit.

"Morning." A deep voice says behind me. I turn around and see Ruv. "Morning. Want something to drink?" I ask. "Coffee." He mumbles in response. I make him a coffee and hand it to him. I frown realising his chest is bare. "Where did your shirt go?" I ask looking up at him. He shrugs in response. I walk out of the kitchen and through the back door. Ruv follows me outside and we sit on the veranda. "Did you have a good sleep?" I ask looking up at him. He nods and drinks from his cup. I look at the gravestones and drink from my cup. Theres a buzzing noise and I look over at Ruv, frowning.

He pulls a phone out from his pocket and reads the messages he got. "Since when did you have a phone?" I ask, trying to see who messaged him. He turns the phone away from me and looks down at me. "I only use it for work." He replies. "What do you do for work?" I ask. "...deliver pizza." He hesitantly responds. "Okayy... when do you go to deliver the pizza?" I ask back, obviously knowing he's lying. "Soon." He responds plainly putting the phone back in his pocket.

I stand up and walk over to the tombstones, reading the names and deaths on them. None of them are much interest to me. They're all mostly old age. I stop at one of them and read over it many times. It reads "Y/n L/n. Death by car accident. Missed by all."  Ruv walks over to me and I frown up at him. "You knew my body was here?" I ask aggressively. He stays silent in response. "Answer me! Did you know my body was here?" I shout at him. "...yes." He slowly responds. "You knew my body was here. Did you see my body?" I ask. He nods and looks at me. "So, you knew my body was here and saw it? And you just pretended like you knew nothing!" I shout.

Sarv comes outside and stares at us confused. "What's going on?" She asks. I point to my tombstone and frown. "You knew about this to, didn't you?" I shout at her. She gets nervous and silent. "I can't believe both of you have been lying or me this whole time." I mumble. I fly up to my room and sit on my bed. I hug my knees and bury my face into them. The cat jumps through my window and sits on the bed next to me. I pet it as it leans against my hand and purrs.

There's a knock on my door and I frown. "Go away." I say. My door opens and it's Ruv standing at my doorway. "I'm going out for a bit." He says. He's fully dressed again and obviously sobered up. "Ok." I mumble. He pulls something out of his pocket and hands it to me, walking out of the room and shutting the door again. It's a small black phone that he gave me. Not sure what brand it is but still looks cool. I unlock the phone and a message pops up. It reads "thought you might want a phone." I smile realising the message is from Ruv.

A few hours later

I'm sitting in bed on (preferred app) when I get a message.
Ruv- I'm not gonna be back tonight.
I frown at the message, not sure what he means.
Y/n- I thought you were delivering pizza. Why wouldn't you be back?
Ruv- something came up.
Y/n- okay. Stay safe.
Ruv- no promises.
I sigh. "Boys are silly." I mumble to myself. I get out of bed and leave my room. I hear voices and I go to see what's happening. There's three massive speakers and a female in a red dress and heals is sitting on top of the one in the middle. A short male with a red hat and blue hair is holding a microphone, rapping into it. Sarv is standing opposite to him with a microphone as well. When she raps her voice sounds a little like a flute of some sort. I walk over and sit on the floor watching them.

Not long after they stop rapping and everyone goes silent. "If you won't join the church please leave!" Sarv shouts. "No." The small male responds, crossing his arms. The female jumps down from the speaker and whispers something to the male. "Ok fine. I'll leave. Only if they manage to beat me in a rap battle." He says smugly. I feel my stomach turn as he said this. "No. I'll verse you again!" Sarv shouts back at him. "That wasn't what I said. I said I'll leave if they verse me. Not you." He says frowning and crossing his arms.

Sarv looks at me panicked and I stand up. "And what if I don't accept?" I ask, trying to hide how scared I am. "Guess we'll stay here until you do." He replies. I take the microphone of Sarv and sigh. I walk over and stand across from the male. My hands shake as I look up at him. The music starts and it's extremely deafening. He puts the microphone up to his mouth and starts rapping. All I can do now is wait anxiously for my turn and try not to pass out. I wish Ruv was here right now...

Word count:978
And second of all I'm really bad at cliffhangers. :/
I actually can't believe how many reads this has oml thank you sm. :)
Remember to look after yourself and have a good night/day. <33

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