Chapter 5

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"This is actually really easy!" I squeal. Im on my second round of versing this kid in a rap battle and it's not as hard as I thought. I must admit, the first round was hard because of my nerves. I got the hang of it as the first round was ending and the second round I beat him pretty quickly.

"I can't believe it!" The small male shouts, throwing his microphone on the floor. "C'mon hun. Let's go." The female says, coming off the speakers. They roll the speakers out of the church and take the microphones with them. "That was easier than expected." I mumble. "Thank you Y/n! I do apologise for not telling your buried here." Sarv says coming over to me. "It's fine." I say back awkwardly. She hugs me goodnight and walks off. I walk to my room and lie down on the bed, sighing. I check the time and it's around 9pm. "The day went fast." I mumble to myself. I shut my eyes and start drifting off to sleep.

I wake up to a tapping at my window. I sit up, assuming it's the cat, and see Ruv at my window. I open it and frown. "Why are you at my window?" I ask. "Mines locked." He says, climbing in. "Why don't you just go through the front door?" I ask. "I don't want to wake Sarv. She knows every time the doors opened." He mumbles sitting on my bed. There's blood splatters on his face and a pretty deep wound in his arm. "How'd you get that?" I ask pointing at his arm. He looks down at it and shrugs. "Where's a first aid kit? You're spilling blood everywhere." I say. "There's one in my room." He mumbles looking at me.

I walk out and find the first aid kit in his room. I bring it back and put it on the bed. "How did the pizza delivering get so violent?" I ask, cleaning his wound with a cloth and alcohol wipe. He shrugs and winces in pain. I get a cotton strip and put it on his wound. "Sorry for not telling you about your body." He mumbles. I wrap his arm with a bandage and huff. "You should've just told me. Would've made things a lot easier." I mumble back, securing his bandage in place.

I get the cloth again and start wiping the blood off his face. "So how did delivering pizza get so violent?" I ask again. "I don't deliver pizza." He mumbles. "Mmm, figured that out. So what do you do?" I ask, smirking. "I think it's obvious. I kill people." He says looking down at his arm, ashamed. I stare at his face. His eyebrows constantly furrowed from his lack of emotion. The strange eyepatch on his right eye. His face so smooth. His lips have a little Cupids bow on the top lip. It would be so easy to close the distance between our faces. I could just...

"You ok?" Ruv asks looking at me. "Ah, yes. Sorry. I zoned out." I say, lying. I sit next to him on the bed and fiddle with the cloth in my hand awkwardly. "You are one of the only people I've gotten close to, expect for Sarv." He says, looking down at me. "What about the people you work for?" I ask back. He shakes his head and frowns. "I dislike them." He mumbles. "Well, I'm honoured." I say smirking. Ruv stands up and looks down at me. "Goodnight Y/n." He says before walking out of the room and shutting the door.

I pack up the first aid kit and put it next to the bed on the floor. I lie down and sigh. My phone buzzes next to me and I pick it up. It's a message from Ruv.
Ruv- :)
I smile at the message, not sure what it means or the point of it.
Y/n- what's that for?
Ruv- when you said you were honoured to be one of the only people I've gotten close to. I thought I should smile.
Y/n- that's sweet. Thank you.
I turn my phone off and put it next to me, smiling. I feel myself drifting off and shut my eyes.

A few hours later

I wake up to my phone buzzing next to me. "I swear it's every time I try sleeping, something has to happen." I pout. I pick up my phone and wince from the brightness.
Ruv- are you still awake?
Y/n- I am now.
Ruv- can I come to your room?
Y/n- why?
Ruv- can I?
Y/n- sure.
I put my phone down and rub my face. My door opens and closes. I look over at Ruv who came and sat on the bed next to me. "Can I lie down?" He asks. I nod and he lies down next to me. I roll over to face him and he turns his head to look at me. "What's up?" I ask. He shrugs and I frown. "That's not a good reason." I mumble. His hats not on his head so I run my fingers through his hair. "Sorry if I woke you." He mumbles looking at me. I smile and shrug. I pull my hand away and put it on the bed in front of me.

I feel my eyes start to close but I try to keep them open. "Go to sleep." He says, stroking the side of my face. "But your still awake." I mumble. "I'll go to sleep soon." He mumbles back. I let my eyes close and fall asleep, accompanied by the warmth of Ruvs hand resting on my face.

Word count: 958
This almost has 300 reads and I got my first follower?!? :O
I like writing fanfics they give me a warm fuzzy feeling that I can't get irl. :(
Maybe I will post some of my other fanfics of you guys enjoy this one. Who knows. :/
Hope you have a good day/night and remember to look after yourself! <33

Don't Leave Me... -Ruv x gender neutral!readerWhere stories live. Discover now