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Professor Ella was next to Rowan the moment classes started back up after an entire weekend of relaxation after those trials. A few students had dropped out, I saw families cars near the entrance two days after those games. Genevieve changed next to me while Serenity kept glancing our way in the girls changing rooms. I follow Genevieve while Elrond and two other males, along with Taylor were in one corner of the gym room, yet when we sat down on the mats and leaned against the rock walls behind us, Elrond strutted over here like he owned the place. And Taylor stared at me like he wanted to talk, but was hesitant. Serenity takes a seat to the side and in front of me, "You good, Yoga girl?" She asks me.

"Why? Do I seem unapproachable to you?" I ask her, closing my eyes and relaxing while Genevieve snorts next to me, glaring at the guy who sits next to her, with Elrond and Taylor in front of us. I let my eyes drift to the equipment in the gym.

"How did you know to use the tune of the song?" Elrond asks me slowly.

I don't answer him right away, "I used my brain." I tell him.

Elrond scowls my way, "What is wrong with you?" He asks me roughly.

Taylor nudges his arm, clearing his throat, before Credence and the rest of the Legion stands there, watching over each student, "Elrond, Taylor, Reynolds and Ford. You four are our top contestants currently, you'll be our volunteers on the mats, we'll be doing hand-to-hand combat. I assume you've all stretched!" Rowan's voice echoes as he moves into the room, removing tight gear and the Legion follows. All removing their shirts, either revealing sports bras on the two females, or abs that run for miles.

I frown when I see Elrond and Taylor do the same, removing their shirts. I side glance Genevieve who stares at Elrond's muscular back like it's her next meal. I tilt my head, before seeing Serenity look at Elrond too and I cross my legs, dumping my head on the rock wall behind me, "And Celeste Caesar, you can stand too." Rowan's voice resounds.

This. Bitch.

Standing hesitantly, I see Professor Ella tense and Rowan straightens where he stands, Creed and Credence look over to him, furrowing their eyebrows. Rowan squats down in the run and grabs two small boxing gloves, "Creed, you're running the lesson." He points to the man standing stiff and rigid next to me.

I traipse my eyes to tense ember ones, "Save me." I whisper.

He tilts his head at me, his height towering over mine, but he doesn't use it to intimidate or unnerve me, I mentally thanked him for that. The dragon rider cracks a smile, "I doubt he'll hurt you, you and Professor Athena put him on his toes. He can't get her forgiveness, so he's going to try for yours." He murmurs.

I fold my arms, "Fat chance of that." I grumble, moving past him tiredly. He surprises me by squeezing my shoulder before his thumb and forefinger brushes a curl of mine, I look at him in confusion but he recovers his expression and faces the rest of the class.

"Alright, everyone, time to watch us. Before you'll copy. Taylor, get into stance. Now." That harshness in Creed's voice made me pause as Taylor stoically steps up and Creed tells him to attack, before Creed locks him in a choke hold in a single second.

"Get out of it, boy." Creed whispers low.

I turn back to Rowan and my tired look dissipates into a flat one, I range the span of the gloves he's holding and he stoically hands them over, "Do you know how to put them on?" I didn't bloody even need them, but humouring the bloodsucker, I put them on and he slides on two flat surfaces to punch into.

Order of the Alpha #2Where stories live. Discover now