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I studied Jensen during classes, it had already been the second day and Genevieve had gone to bed after we finished a shared essay in chemistry. Athena got me the blueprints I needed of Jensen's office and based on his schedule, he was in the supervisor dorms outside of the castle. Opening my laptop. I hack the cameras in the area, not just his room, in case a glitch occurred, which has happened before. Tying my hair back, I grab my phone and teleport straight into the office.

I clench my jaw and run my eyes over the scope of the room. It looked like a general office, but he had more twisted things in here that I could detect in the fake back door to a wardrobe, I had gloves on too, my hair up so I made sure I didn't leave any potential DNA in here.

Running my hands over the fake end of the wardrobe, I pull out a chest, roaming through cash, and a gun of all things, but what was even more interesting was a piece of jewellery, remnants of the same blood on it. I take pictures, showing where it was put, I send them through to Athena. Already having evidence from the man.

All before a siren goes off once I close the wardrobe door and I curse like a sailor in my head, teleporting the moment footfalls echo. I teleport onto the ceiling boards in the archways above with a direct line to the two corridors along with Jensen's office. Guards begin moving in and to my irritation, Rowan was rounding the corner, gesturing to Creed and Credence, who's first name I found to be Loki.

Loki gestures to the remaining guards, "We'll need to do a check that each student are in their rooms."

I raise an eyebrow when Headmaster Hale and Athena step down the steps. Rowan stills when he sees her, "Athena?" He says, confused.

Headmaster Hale forces him aside, she kicks open Jensen's door, "Someone go fucking find Supervisor Jensen. Bring him to my office." She barks out, Athena steps into the office with her and based on my pictures, her and Athena find that bracelet immediately.

Loki and Creed, along with the four other Legion team members step in a line, surprised when Athena steps out with Headmaster Hale giving the bracelet to another guard, both holding gloves for the evidence, "I believe we've identified the killer of Hannah." Hale spits out.

"Good job, Professor Athena." She praises her.

Rowan stares at Athena, like he truly can't look away, "How did you know..." He trails off and I teleport quickly when he sensed me, he was about to look up too. I removed my gloves, stepping towards the bin in order to burn them controllably within the dome of my hands, the evidence gone in seconds.

The next morning was an immediate assembly with Hannah's family and Jensen in the middle. Guards surrounding the stage while the charges against Jensen are clear and he's sitting there with a clenched jaw, looking both shock and pissed, but he tries to hide it. Athena was standing behind him, probably holding his mind while Hale asked him public questions. Athena forced the truth out of him and there were shouts and cries in the student audience. The family though, Hannah's father and two brothers stood. One a lightning bearer and the other two were water wielders.

I stare closely while her Father sends an electric shock so painful into Jensen that he roars at it. He doesn't beg for death though, the fire manipulator was tortured in front of us all. I still when everyone is forced to get to their classes. Genevieve walks next to me, "I can't believe it was him." She whispers.

I look to her, "I know right, I had him for two of my classes and met him on the first day. At least he was caught, I don't even want to think about what would have happened if he wasn't." I murmur, plaiting my hair on the side.

I'm annoyed when Professor Ella is standing next to Rowan, her eyes alight with adoration for him while Rowan's five hundred or so students were moving to the opposite side of the room. Genevieve frowns, "What's going on?" She murmurs, in her own sports gear.

Order of the Alpha #2Where stories live. Discover now