Chapter twenty two

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 Carmen's pov- 

 It's been about two weeks since I've snapped out of my depressive state. 

 I'm still struggling with everything but I've started taking my medication and it's helped a lot. 

I still feel guilty about my little episode. Grey was so fucking worried about me but I was too caught up in my own shit to even talk to him. It must've been so hard for him to have to see me like that. 

 I swear, I tried to talk to him, but I just couldn't. It felt like I wasn't even there anymore. Like I was watching someone that looked like me. I was screaming in my mind to just get up or speak or anything. But nothing happened. 

 I don't really know why I went outside that night. I just had this overwhelming urge to be outside. I wanted to feel something. 

 I know it was scary for him but honestly, I found it rather peaceful. 

Grey has been watching me like a Hawk these past two weeks. He's making sure I'm eating, sleeping, taking my meds. Basically making sure I'm a functioning human being. 

 I can't believe he said he loves me back. I just- I was afraid it was one sided. 

 I want to go back to work and university but Grey doesn't think it's a good idea. He said the decision is up to me but he thinks it's too soon. 

 I just feel like it's been so long since I've done normal, everyday things. I just want things to go back to normal. 

 I also would like to know where Grey and I stand. I mean we love each other and he's called me his girl but he never actually asked me out. I mean, I think it's safe to assume that we're dating but I really don't want to assume anything.

 Grey was currently pushing me on some random swing we found in the middle of the woods. I got tired of being stuck inside so I decided to explore a little. I really liked the stream I found last week. So I decided to explore the woods behind the house a little more. I ended up finding a tree swing. Grey didn't want me to go on it, he didn't think it was safe. But then I teased him for sounding like a mom.

 " Hey, Grey?" I asked as he gave me another push.

 " Yeah?"

 " Are we dating?" I asked directly, there was no point in beating around the bush. 

 He laughed, " Is that a no?" I asked.

 He grabbed my hips when I swung back his way and stopped the swing. He twisted the ropes, causing me to turn around and face him. 

 " I'm sorry, I thought it was obvious we were dating. I know I never officially asked but I kind of thought it was obvious. But in case you didn't know, you've been my girl since the second I met you. That is, if you want to be." he smiled at me.

 I kissed him, " I love you." I murmured against his lips. 

 " I love you too." 

 I untwisted the swing, " Now push me, dummy." he laughed, " Wow, rude." he teased.

 He started pushing me again. 

 " Can we go home soon? I'm cold." he whined. 

 I laughed and kept swinging back and forth. He gave me another hard push.

 " Grey, you're pushing me a little high." I felt a little uneasy about how high I was going.

 " What?" he asked as he gave me another push. 

 Before I could say anything the branch snapped and I went flying. 

 " AHHHH!" I let out a high pitch scream as I went flying through the air.

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