Chapter eighteen

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 Greyson's pov-

 I went upstairs and changed into my pj's and then waited for Carmen to get out of the shower. She always takes the longest showers and sometimes it scares me. I'm scared that she's gonna do something bad and one day I'm gonna walk in and find her on the bathroom floor. She's been through so much shit, I wouldn't even blame her if she tried, I would've. But I pray to god she doesn't and she just holds it together for a little while longer.

 Thankfully she has been doing somewhat better. She hasn't seen Tony in a while, which is good and she now how her friends. Personally I still want to turn Tony in or kill him but she doesn't want to. I'm trying to respect her wishes, even though I think they're stupid. I gave her the pictures I had taken from the apartment and told her she could do what she wanted with them.Don't get me wrong, I understand she just wants this all to be over with but guys like Tony don't just give up. 

 I saw how he acted towards her, not to mention all the photos on his bedroom wall. He's clearly sick. I swear, if he tries anything I'll put a bullet in his head. 

 I was pulled out of my thoughts when an exhausted looking Carmen walked into the room.

 " Hey, babe. How do you feel?" I held the blankets open for her.

 " Tired." she mumbled before climbing in and snuggling into me. 

 " It's gonna be okay, I've got you." I held her close. 

 It was kind of weird having Carmen initiate contact, usually she yells at me when I try and cuddle with her. Not in a mean way though, she's been through a lot of shit and because of that she tends to struggle with physical touch. 

 I decided not to say anything else, I just silently played with her hair and rubbed soothing circles on her back. She quickly drifted off. I grabbed the remote and turned off the lights and snuggled into Carmen. I buried my face in her hair and breathed in her sweet scent. She always smells so damn good, not to mention she's wearing my clothes right now, which is totally hot. She's just so beautiful and perfect. 

 God, I love this woman. 

 Next morning~

 Ugh, bright, it's too bright, I always forget to close the curtains. Why does the sun have to be so fucking bright? 

 " Stop moving." Carmen groaned as she buried her face further into my chest.

 " Sorry, baby." I chuckled. 

 " Too bright." she whined. 

 " I know." she smacked my chest, " Fix it." she whined.

 I laughed and slipped out of bed, I went to close the curtains but when I did I saw August, Reese, and Levi walking up to the house. I closed the curtains and walked back to the bed, " I'll be right back." I kissed her cheek. 

 " Mmmm" me mumbled, half asleep. 

 I grabbed a hoodie and threw it on, I have got to turn on the heat, it's fucking freezing in here. 

 I walked downstairs and opened the door for the guys, " Hey, Grey." Levi greeted me.

 " Hey, what're you guys doing here?" I asked.

 " We came to see Carmen." August answered. 

 " She's still sleeping." I told him.

 A mischievous smirk crept onto Reese's face, " Not for long." he attempted to make a dash for the stairs but I grabbed him by the shirt and yanked him back. 

 " No, don't wake her. She had a bad day yesterday and she needs to sleep." my voice came out more strict and authoritative than I intended. 

 " Bad day?" August asked, concern took over his features.

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