Chapter thirteen

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 Greyson's pov-

 I have never been as worried and frustrated as I am right now. I have been out all fucking night looking for her and I can't find her. Jack, Levi, and Perseus have been looking as well. We've been searching everywhere and she's nowhere to be found. 

 I got out of my car and walked up to my front door and into the house, Jack, Perseus and Levi were already there. 

 " Any sign of her?" I asked.

 " Sorry man." Perseus said, with a sympathetic look on his face. 

 I ran my hand down my face trying to wipe away the exhaustion. 

 " We'll find her." Levi shot me a comforting smile but it didn't do much to ease my nerves. 

 " What if she had another seizure and she's lying unconscious somewhere?" I started pacing around the room.

 " I'm sure she's fine and if she did have a seizure I'm sure someone would've noticed and stopped to help." That did nothing to comfort me, if anything it made it worse. What if someone finds her unconscious and decides to take advantage of her. 

 I just want to make sure she's okay, I need to make sure she's safe. 


 Carmen's pov-

  What in the fuck balls happened?

 The sun was creeping through the curtains and burning my eyes. I tired to turn away when I noticed a heavy weight wrapped around my abdomen. 

 " Grey? Why're you in my bed?" I look over my shoulder and realize it's not Grey next to me.

 I ask again, what in the fuck balls?

 I shove the person next to me off of the bed and quickly scramble to the opposite side of the room. 

 " What the fuck, Inez?!"

 " August?" he stood up and gave me a duh look.

 " Where the fuck am I?" I looked around confusedly at my surroundings. 

 " My house, do you not remember last night?" he asked, concern quickly swept across his face. 

 I stood there for a moment trying to collect my thoughts, after a second it all started to flood back. The seizures, August finding me in the alley, my breakdown in the shower. 

 " Inez?" August was now standing in front of me.

 " I remember, sorry, it's just a little foggy." I shake my head slightly, almost as if I'm trying to shake the confusion away.

 " Please sit." I nodded and sat back down on the bed. 

 " How're you feeling?" 

 How am I feeling? Fuck man, I don't even know. My head hurts like a bitch, My feet are fucked up. I keep having flashbacks of Tony. For some reason I keep having seizures. Part of my memory has blacked out and I have no idea why I'm here and not with Grey. Grey, that's all I want right now. I want him to hold me and tell me that everything's okay and that we'll get everything figured out. I miss him, the way he holds me, the way he smells, the way he comforts me, the feeling of love and safety he always gives me, his goofy attitude. I miss him and I want to go home.

 " Can you drive me home?" I asked him.

 " Inez, I don't think that's a good idea." he put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

 " You know I hate being called Inez." I rolled my eyes at him.

 Inez is my middle name and he always calls me by it, Carmen Inez Gervais. Auggy and I met back in kindergarten and we've been best friends ever since. Unfortunately when I moved away with Tony we lost contact. He always warned me to stay away from Tony, said he didn't seem right and that he got a bad vibe from him, guess he was right, he always is * eye roll * . 

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