Chapter four

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Carmen's pov- 

Greyson and I ended up watching movies in his bed. I know I probably should've just gone home but to be honest I didn't want to. I needed an escape from reality.

 I don't know why but whenever I'm around Greyson I have a weird feeling of safety. He stood up to Tony, he helped me with my cut, he helped me that night in the street. All he's ever done is help me. 

 Most people would probably think I'm crazy for willingly going into a strange man's home but I don't think he'd hurt me. Even if he did hurt me it's nothing I wouldn't have to go through with Tony. I'm not going to be afraid of him unless he gives me a reason to.  

" You wanna watch another movie?" he asked as he exited out of the film we had just finished. I'd love to watch another movie but I know I probably shouldn't, I don't want to overstay my welcome." What time is it?" I asked as I tiredly rubbed my eyes. 

" Uh-," he picked his phone up from his nightstand, " 9:28 ." he said as he set his phone back down on the nightstand. Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm so incredibly fucked it's not even funny. 

 I jolted and out his bed and threw my shoes on, " Whoa, what's going on?" Greyson asked confusedly. " I have to get home." I said frantically, I was panicking. I could feel the weight crushing anxiety settling uncomfortably in my chest. 

" Okay, calm down. I'll give you a ride, just let me grab my keys." he quickly got out of bed and put his shoes on as he searched for his keys. " I must've left them in my car, come on." he said as he walked out of his room and back downstairs. 

We finally got to his car and he spotted his keys on the console, I got in and buckled up. I was trying so hard to calm down but it wasn't working. I couldn't stop myself from shaking as I thought about what Tony was going to do to me when I got home.   

 Tony fucking hates when I'm late. At this point he probably knows I didn't go to classes today. Every time Tony gets jealous he becomes more possessive and controlling. If he can he'll take me to school and he'll pick me up from school. He'll barely let me out of his sight. 

" Carmen, what's going on?" he asked worriedly as he shifted his vision between me and the road. I cleared my throat before speaking, trying to get rid of any nerves that might've presented themselves." Nothing, I just want to go home." That has got to be the biggest lie I've ever told, the absolute last thing I want to do is go home. 

" Are you sure that's all?" he asked, clearly not convinced.

" Yeah." I nodded.

" Love, you're shaking and you look like you're on the verge of an anxiety attack. Please tell me what's going on and don't fucking lie to me, I just want to help." he pleaded and he wasn't wrong. I could feel how violently my body was shaking." I promise everything is fine, I'm just a bit cold." I lied. 

 He just shook his head at me and shot me a look of disappointment. I felt a swell of anger inside of me. He doesn't get disappointed in me because I'm not ready to share my life story with him. It's unfair and simply unrealistic for him to expect me to tell a man I barely know my deepest darkest secret. 

We finally pulled up to my apartment building, I looked around the parking lot and spotted Tony's car. I felt my insides clench up with fear. He's going to be so mad at me. I bit the inside of my cheek and tried to keep my voice steady as I spoke. " Thanks for the ride." I said before opening the car door.

 Before I could get far Greyson grabbed my hand, " I'm serious, Carmen, if you ever need anything don't hesitate to call me."  he said, giving my head a gentle squeeze." Okay." I mumbled before pulling my hand away and scurrying into the building. 

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