It was obvious, even to himself that he just wanted an excuse to start crying again.

"What the hell?who's crying here?"

San heard before something, or someone stumbled on him and fell to the ground.


"I'm sorry!" San apologized and quickly helped him sit up. "You're back..."

"It's you again? What are you doing here?" The homeless guy yanked his arm -that San didn't notice he was gripping on- back and adjusted his sunglasses.

"I came to see you..."

"I told you to never come back, you're creepy."

San sighed. "I'm really sorry about last time...I told you you look just like him."

"I don't care! And you following me just because I look like your dead boyfriend is even creepier."

San clenched his jaw and looked around him. "I apologized multiple times already."

"Yes, great, now leave me alone."

"Just let me stay...Your presence brings me peace..."


"Were you born blind?" San asked suddenly after a moment of silence.

"I don't think so...I don't have memory of my life...but I can still remember what basic things look like...I'm pretty sure I had my sight before."

San hummed. "Have you tried to find your family?"

"How could I? I don't remember anything and I can't see anything..."


"Are you investigating about me?"

San chuckled. "I'm sorry...I just...can I call you Wooyoung?"

"Oh my god, here we go again."

"Please...come on, you don't know your name, what am I supposed to call you?"

"It's weird!"

"It's's just a name."

The homeless guy sighed. He didn't really know anyone else anyway, so what's the risk?

"Alright, whatever, I don't care."

San smiled a little. "Thank you..."

The now named Wooyoung hummed.

Then his stomach grumbled loudly.

"Let's have dinner together." San smiled, he was very hungry too.

"What? No, I can't."

"It's on me."


"Ughh." San rolled his eyes and got up, quickly walking away.

"You're fucking homeless, you should be thankful I'm nice enough to offer you food, you ungrateful bastard." San mumbled to himself while making his way to a fast food restaurant and buying two meals.

"What the fuck am I even doing." He scolded himself while making his way back to that guy.

He was still sitting on the ground.



"I got us food."

"Didn't I-"

"I'm starving and I don't wanna eat alone, how about that?"

"Alright whatever." Wooyoung grumbled and grabbed the paper bag from him.

San kept looking at him as they ate.

It looked like he hadn't had a full meal before.

It made sense with how aggressive towards people he was.

After that night, it became a daily thing for the two to eat together.

San would buy food and go to him to eat on the dirty ground.

He tried to take him to a restaurant, but 'Wooyoung' vehemently refused.

They barely talked most of the time.

They would talk about their day in little to no details and the rest of the time they would just sit in complete quiet.

"Will you come live with me?"

A/N: what will Wooyoung say?

Also, if you have read Stone heart, you might also know that it has been removed :(

But I will be posting it on ao3 soon and maybe here again :)

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