Chapter 17

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"Does everyone have their gifts ready?" Hizashi asks Kaminari. It's the middle of English, and Hizashi had called the boy up to make sure Shouta's birthday distraction goes without a hitch.

Kaminari nods. "My parents are bringing Denki with my gift right after school, so we can converge on Aizawa Sensei as soon as they arrive."

Hizashi nods. The most he knows about the gifts that the students are giving his husband is that they're all a singular theme that Kaminari's little brother picked out, and that Hizashi had asked the blonde to come up with a way to distract Shouta after school so that Izuku had time to get the house ready for the surprise party. Of course, Kaminari had to make it seem like it was his idea when he brought it up to the class a couple weeks ago, they couldn't know that Hizashi and Shouta were married.

"Happy Birthday, Aizawa Sensei," the class yells having all converged on him the moment Denki arrived with Akio's gift for their teacher.

Shouta is surprised. He never told them when his birthday was for a reason. He doesn't like for people to make a fuss over him. This had to have been Hizashi's idea.

Denki and Akio step forward first. Their present to Aizawa is the main reason for the theme of the gifts. With Nozomi's help, the class had all managed to pick who was to get which necessary items to go with this present so that everything their teacher could possibly need would be gotten.

"Izuku told us when your birthday is," the older Kaminari tells Shouta, the gift still below desk level to keep it hidden for the time being. "So the whole class decided to come together to get you some presents."

Denki is practically bouncing off the walls in excitement. It's a good thing he passed the gift off to Akio. "Give it to him already, Akio."

Akio grins at his brother's enthusiasm and lifts the hand held kennel up to pass to the teacher. "Our cat had a litter of kittens a few months ago. When I told Denki about your birthday, he insisted that we give you one of them."

"Her name is Sparky." The younger blonde is too excited. He can't help but tell the teacher the name he chose, even though there's every chance that the man may want to change the name. He hopes not, though.

As soon as he pulls the kitten from the crate, Shouta can tell exactly where the name comes from. The cat is completely black except for a white lightning bolt that runs across her back. Shouta has wanted a cat for a while now, his students already knew that, but with his patrol and teaching schedule, he agreed with Hizashi that it wouldn't be fair to the cat. But, they have Izuku now, and the boy can always keep the cat company, so long as Izuku can remain under their care instead of being passed off to someone else.

He thanks his student and Denki before moving on to the next gift. All twenty of his students got him something, through all their gifts, he had everything that he would need for Sparky. It takes a while, each student insisting that he open every gift before they all left. It's one of the best birthdays that the pro hero has had in a long time. Now he just wants to go home and relax with his husband, his son, and his new kitten.

When Shouta arrives home with Hizashi and Sparky, he's surprised to find the lights off. Did Izuku go to Katsuki's to give him some alone time with Hizashi? He wanted to spend the night with both of them.

As soon as the door opens, all the lights in the house flash on while four faces pop out screaming, "Happy Birthday!"

The decorations in the room are minimal, just enough to show that this is a birthday party, but not enough to make Shouta uncomfortable with the fact that it is, in fact, a party. Shouta puts the kitten on the floor to let her explore her new home while he goes over to hug each of the four kids standing before him. He's come to see all four of them like they were his children in one way or another, but he feels the most connected to Izuku and Hitoshi. He's accidentally caught himself thinking of both of them as his sons on more than one occasion.

Shouta can only smile as this day has gotten better than he expected it could. His plan was to get home from work and cuddle with Hizashi and Izuku watching movies together as a family, but he gets to spend it with everyone who's become important to him as well. The only additional person who could make it better would be if his sister, Ajisai, were there too.

Just as he thinks her name, her voice rings out. "Katsuki, come make sure I made these right! I think they're done."

The blonde boy scoffs wondering why the girl keeps struggling with dinner. This is the fourth time she's called for him to make sure she's following his mother's recipe correctly. If she was going to struggle so much, why didn't she just let him cook it? When he gets in there, he sees that everything is completely done, so he helps her plate everyone's servings, and sets them all on the table.

After dinner, everyone starts giving Shouta his gifts. Izuku and Katsuki, who were in on the kitten gift, each got some cat toys for Sparky, and Hitoshi and Akira gave him a couple sweaters. All black with one grey one because they all know Shouta won't wear anything with real color. Ajisai is the last to give her gift, a cook book that she knows he's been wanting but refuses to get for himself, before it's Hizashi's turn.

"Now, I had to go through a lot of hoops to get this prepared for you without letting you find out," Hizashi preludes his gift. "It's a good thing they let certain things slide with heroes, otherwise, I couldn't have done this in secret."

Hizashi hands his husband a gift bag. Inside the bag are two manilla envelopes. He doesn't even have to open them. The grin on Hizashi's face along with the envelopes is enough to tell him exactly what this is. Well, what one is. He doesn't know what the second one is.

"Read the names on the envelopes," Hizashi prods him knowing that the second one confused him.

The first envelope he pulls out has Izuku written across it in Hizashi's neat handwriting. He doesn't have to open it to know what it says. Hizashi finally accepted him. He finally accepted the idea of adopting Izuku. The second envelope also has a name written in Hizashi's hand writing. He's confused by the name on it at first until his eyes slide up to meet with the pink haired girl. He had thought she was adopted by Hitoshi's family, but based off the envelope that has the name Akira written across it, that assumption was wrong.

In the matter of a day, Shouta went from having a foster son to have a cat, an adopted son, and an adopted daughter. This was definitely his best birthday ever.

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