Chapter 1

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"You stupid, useless bitch!" Izuku's father yells from the kitchen where he went to check on dinner.

Izuku is ten years old, and this is the first time he's seen his father in almost as many years. The last time Midoriya Hisashi was home, Izuku was six months old and his first tooth was popping through.

"Not only is our son quirkless, but you can't even cook right!" the older Midoriya continues to yell.

Inko is huddled on the floor in front of the stove a bleeding mess. She had told Izuku to go to his room as soon as Hisashi had entered their small apartment knowing what that man was like. She had hoped to never see him again, but luck just didn't seem to be on her side.

"I-i-i'm sorry, H-hisashi," Inko stutters out.

Since he arrived in their home two hours prior, he has beaten the heavy-set woman with whatever items he could reach until they broke. There is a piece of glass imbedded into Inko's right arm from the cup that he smashed into her upper arm an hour ago, her face has many splits in the skin from the punches that the man had thrown her way, and there is a long cut from the top of her left thigh to her knee from a pocket knife that he happened to have on him.

"You better fucking apologize, you useless woman! Where the fuck is my worthless son!?"

Hoping to spare his mother some pain, Izuku leaves his bedroom and heads into the kitchen. The boy's timid nature can easily be seen in the was he keeps himself pressed against the wall as he walks, not really wanting to show his face. He may not want to face the man who is supposed to be his father, but how can he aspire to be a hero is he can't do something to try and save his mother?

"There you are," Hisashi growls. He looks over Izuku with evident disgust on his face. "You look exactly like this fat whore."

"S-sorry," Izuku apologizes not really knowing what else to do.

"Sound like her to." He glares back at his wife. "Since this useless little slut can't seem to make a proper meal, call for some damn pizza."

Izuku nods quickly and rushes out of the room to the phone which sits beside the couch and dials 119.

"119, what's your emergency." The dispatcher responds immediately upon picking up the phone.

Izuku already has planned what he's going to say. He had been told by one of the Pro Heroes who visited his school a while ago, that the dispatchers are taught to ask yes or no questions when someone calls them and requests a take out order instead of help. "I'd like to order a pizza, please."

"But, sir, you've reached 119." The dispatcher is nervous by the tone of Izuku's voice and already has the Pro Hero patrol schedule in front of them.

"I know, could you say how long?" Izuku asks hoping that his father doesn't get suspicious.

"Sir, is everything okay?"

"No it's 413 Hero Way Apartment 394."

"Is there someone I the room with you that you can't talk about?"

"Yes, sir, pepperoni please, how long can it be now?"

The dispatcher looks at the schedule and sighs before sending out a text to the closest Pro Hero to the boy's location. The response is immediate telling the dispatcher that they will be at the home in minutes.

"I have a Pro who's five minutes away, can you stay on the line?"

"No thanks, I'll see you soon. I'll turn on the entry light."

Throughout the phone conversation, Hisashi has been silent to keep the pizza place from hearing the situation, but as soon as he hears the phone click back into its holder, he starts back in on his half consciousness wife.

"At least you taught him to fucking listen!" He yells releasing fire from his mouth at the end, singeing her hair and eyebrows. "Maybe I should teach you the same thing."

He starts burning Inko with his fire breath in different spots making her whimper in pain. Her voice long since left her after the first hour of his torture.

"Now, now, I can't tell if you're learning anything if you don't make any sound." Hisashi taunts his wife slowly drawing another blade along her left arm, digging it deeper and deeper as he slices her skin.

Izuku rushes to the door to turn on the entry light to help whoever the Pro Hero is know which apartment. He wishes that his favorite hero, All Might, was in Japan right now to help them, but unfortunately he had last heard that the Symbol of Peace had gone to America for a while.

Hisashi is still carving up his wife, now writing terrible slurs across her chest and stomach with the knife, when the Hero comes through the door that Izuku has also unlocked.

Izuku, who had been standing near the door when the man arrived is confused by the appearance of the dark haired hero who just rushed through the door, but he doesn't take time to think on the man's appearance, he just points weakly towards the kitchen where Hisashi has started using his quirk again.

The hero follows Izuku's pointing finger to find the horrific sight of what's left of Inko. There is no way that the woman is still alive after everything that her husband has done to her. Hisashi is still burning her skin again when the man gets to them, but he doesn't notice the pro hero until his own quirk stops working.

Izuku, who had followed the hero into the kitchen, realizes exactly which hero they are once he sees the lack of Fire coming from his supposed father's mouth. That explains the man's disheveled and almost homeless appearance, it's the Erasure Hero: Eraser Head.

Eraser Head doesn't even think before taki his capture weapon from around his neck and using it to tie up the older man, making sure to use some to cover Hisashi's dangerous mouth. Once the man is captured, he walks to Inko to check her condition, calling for an ambulance as he walks. The woman is breathing small shallow breaths, but the Erasure Hero doesn't expect her to last long enough for the ambulance to arrive. He can already tell that she's lost far too much blood. Nevertheless, he does everything he can to keep her breathing, and to keep her son from seeing her current condition.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't fast enough," he sighs out apologizing both to the dying woman and her son.

Even though Eraser Head tries to keep him from seeing her, Izuku still manages to get next to Inko. Tears fall heavily as he sees her condition.

"I'm sorry, mom. I should have done something sooner."

Inko, barely conscious, slides her eyes towards her son and weakly shakes her head. She can't speak through the lack of air getting to her lungs. She mouths out an "I love you," before her breathing stops and Eraser Head tells Izuku to back up.

The erasure hero doubts it will do any good, but he starts in with CPR in hopes to save the woman. The hero doesn't want to see the boy become parentless because he knows what it's like to grow up without his parents, even if his circumstances were quite different from those of the boy in the room with him. While this boy is losing his mother who loved him very much, the hero lost his to hatred for who he is.

Inko still hasn't started breathing again when the ambulance arrives, and the paramedics announce her dead on arrival. Not even a moment later, the police arrive to take in Hisashi.

"Do you have any family you can go to, kid?" one of the police officers asks Izuku while the pro hero makes his report with another officer.

Izuku looks down. His first thought is of his Auntie Mitsuki. She's not his biological aunt, she was just good friends with Inko, but even if she was related to him, he wouldn't want to go there. As much as Izuku loves Auntie Mitsuki and Uncle Masaru, their son, Katsuki, does nothing except bully him for being quirkless. He decides that their house is definitely off the table.

"No," Izuku murmurs just barely loud enough for the hero to hear.

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