Chapter 5

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So, we know absolutely nothing about Deku's elementary school, so I created one. Just a forewarning for when it gets mentioned.

When Shouta opens his eyes, he's confused at first, trying to figure out why he's in the guest room. After a moment, he realizes that the person he's snuggled up to is far too small to be Hizashi. That realization leads him to remember the events of last night, saving Izuku, Izuku's nightmare and subsequent request for the hero to lay down with him.

Trying his best not to disturb the boy, Shouta extracts himself from Izuku's limbs and creeps downstairs to make breakfast. It's not really his normal routine, which consists of a lot of coffee and a protein bar, but Izuku needs some semblance of normalcy. He'll have to ask him what school he goes to later so that he can get back into a normal routine. As much as Shouta would love to stay home with him, he has his responsibility to his students.

Izuku wakes up alone in an unfamiliar room. The lack of familiarity causes him to panic, looking for something, anything, that's familiar to him. About five minutes of panic later, Shouta appears in the doorway to let Izuku know that breakfast is ready. As soon as he sees the look on the green haired boy's face, though, the words die in his throat, and he slowly approaches Izuku as if the boy were a wounded animal. He has to be careful not to terrify Izuku any more than he already is.

Izuku backs up to the headboard as the, to him, strange man approaches him. The man sort of resembles the hero from his nightmare, but he can never be too careful.

"Izuku," Shouta states in a calming voice. "It's just me, the hero from last night, Eraser Head."

This isn't the first time that the erasure hero has had a child wake up confused because they think what happened was all just some terrible nightmare. He's had to figure out his own way to approach them without making the situation worse.

Izuku's eyes slowly begin to fill up as memories flood through his mind. By the time Shouta gets to him, he's bawling.

"Sh-sh-she's really g-gone?" Izuku asks as he pulls the necklace out from under his shirt, clutching the charm as if it's his lifeline.

"I'm sorry," Shouta speaks so quietly that Izuku can barely hear him, but the sound alone is enough to have the boy latching onto the pro hero once more.

The pair sit on the bed, Izuku clutching Shouta for dear life and Shouta rubbing Izuku's back in soothing circles, for at least ten minutes before Izuku's tears dry up for the time being. Once the younger male has calmed, Shouta brings up the breakfast he made. It's not much, just some warmed up miso soup, leftover from the other night, and some rice, but at least it gets something in the boy's stomach, even if he barely eats any of it.

As much as he hates to push the kid, Shouta asks about Izuku's school. Shouta doesn't want to have to send him to school so soon after the loss of his mother, but it can't be helped. Hizashi and Shouta both teach at UA, and the final exams before summer break start tomorrow. As a hero course home room teacher, Shouta has to be there, and Hizashi has multiple English exams to oversee. At best, Shouta might be able to convince his friend Nemuri to come sit with the kid, but he doesn't think more new faces will be helpful at all.

"Will I stay in my school?" Izuku asks out of the blue while he watches Shouta make lunch. It's hard for him to ask, but he needs to know. He can't leave Kacchan alone when he's the only one who knows Kacchan's secret.

Shouta glances away from the stove where he's finishing up the katsudon that he's making for lunch. "I don't see any reason why you can't, unless you want to change."

Izuku quickly shakes his head at the thought of wanting to change schools. "I can't abandon Kacchan. I'm the only one who knows."

Shouta wants to know what the boy is talking about, but decides to just continue cooking, accepting that the boy wants to stay at Shouri Elementary.

Lunch has just been placed on the table when Hizashi returns from his patrol. The blonde hero is actually shocked to find lunch already on the table, at least until he remembers the little listener who his husband had brought home last night. Shouta always gets up a little earlier than normal when the pair have a foster child. It always warms Hizashi's heart to see Shouta taking care of children, he smiles more and just all around seems happier. It almost makes Hizashi want to change his mind about adopting, but then he thinks of him, and his resolve is returned.

"How was your patrol?" Shouta asks the blonde.

Hizashi rolls his eyes. "Not as interesting as yours." He gestures towards Izuku as he speaks.

Izuku's face falls at the mention of what happened. He knows Hizashi was just trying to make light of the situation, but the reminder just makes it even harder to ear his favorite dish. His mom used to make katsudon for him all the time, especially on birthdays, because of it being his favorite. Now, eating it only reminds him of what he's lost, his loving mother who may as well have also been his best friend.

Shouta shoots his husband a quick glare for his comment as soon as he realizes the boy's facial expression. Hizashi should know better than to bring something like that up in front of the kid, and Shouta reminds him as such.

After lunch, Hizashi changes out of his hero costume, taking a while as he has to clean all of the gel out of his hair thanks to the gravity defying hairdo that he insists on having for his hero persona. His hair is still damp when he finds Shouta holding a sleeping Izuku on the couch. The child must not have slept well after what happened to him.

Don't get too attached, Hizashi signs to his husband trying not to wake the sleeping boy. He can already tell that Shouta doesn't want to let go of the green haired boy. It's going to be difficult to separate them once Izuku gets adopted.

The look on Shouta's face almost breaks Hizashi's determination, almost. He hates being the one to upset his husband, but it's just not fair for them to adopt someone else's child when they gave up their own.

I'm sorry, he signs again before heading back out to go to the radio station where he hosts his radio show.

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