Chapter 2

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"No," the green haired boy murmurs just barely loud enough for the hero to hear. "I don't have anyone."

The moment those words leave the boy's lips, Eraser Head's phone is in his hand and he dials his home number.

"What is it, Shouta?" a tired voice answers the phone.

Shouta scoffs a little at the sound of his husband's voice. "Get the guest room set up, Hizashi. We're about to have company." He looks over at the police officer near Izuku and nods as they make eye contact with him. Nothing has to be said for them to understand. The police officer heard what Eraser Head said into the phone.

Suddenly, Hizashi's voice becomes more awake. "What happened."

Shouta can hear the sounds of his husband opening the door and walking around the house. That man doesn't know the definition of quiet, but Shouta wouldn't want him any other way. "I'll explain when we get home."

"Okay, love you."

The fact that Hizashi doesn't ask any other questions makes Shouta smile a little. "Love you too. We'll be there soon."

The dark haired hero quickly finishes his report and walks over to the boy to properly introduce himself.

"Y-you're Eraser Head," the boy stutters out.

Shouta sighs. "I'm sorry that I couldn't get here sooner."

"I-it's not y-your fault," the boy looks towards the ground. "I-i should h-have called s-sooner. H-he was b-beating her f-for two hours. I w-was so s-scared."

"What's your name, kid?" Shouta asks finally, not wanting to continue just calling him a kid.


"It wasn't your fault, Izuku," Shouta sighs. "You might have both ended up killed if you had tried anything sooner than you did."

This whole time, Izuku has been too much in shock to cry, but the moment that the hero told him that it wasn't his fault, the tears start to fall.

Shouta hasn't dealt with a crying child in a while, not since he started working as a teacher at UA, and his patrols got cut back due to teaching. Even so, his instinct takes over as he pulls Izuku into his arms. The instinct to comfort children is probably the only part of his birth gender that he likes.

"It's not your fault," Shouta whispers in the green haired boy's ear over and over until the tears wetting his costume seem to slow.

"How can I become a hero if I can't even save my mom?"

Shouta's heart breaks for the boy. "Heroes can't save everyone. Come on, let's get some of your stuff. You'll be staying with me for a while."

Izuku nods calmly, but inside his head his thoughts are clamoring about. He's both excited and terrified of the idea that he will be staying with the erasure hero. Will he have to change schools? If he does, what will happen with Kacchan. He's the only one who knows Kacchan's secret, even if Kacchan is mean to him, he still sees the boy as his friend, almost like a brother.

While those thoughts fly through his brain, he doesn't realize that he started mumbling each thought in rapid succession along with multiple other thoughts about analyzing the pro hero who has offered to take him in.

"Slow down, Izuku," Shouta chuckles a little at the boy's rapid speech. "Take a breath."

"S-sorry," Izuku apologizes. "W-What's going to happen now?"

Shouta gives Izuku a small smile as the green haired boy starts digging through his dresser. He wishes he could give the boy a concrete answer to that question, but he's not really sure. This isn't the first time that the hero and his husband have fostered a child that one of them had saved, but for some reason, Shouta almost feels compelled to try and adopt Izuku. The only issue with wanting to adopt the boy, is Hizashi. Hizashi has been adamantly against them adopting children due to what happened in their past, and while Shouta understands his point of view, it doesn't change the fact that Shota wants their home to be filled with the sounds of laughter. He loves Hizashi's laugh, but it's not the same as that of a child.

"Heroes often foster the children they save, so you'll be staying with my husband and I for a while. I don't know how long though," he finally answers Izuku's question once the boy has a bag packed full with clothes.

Izuku's eyes widen when Shouta mentions having a husband, but doesn't react any further than that. "Do you mind if I go to mom's room an get something?"

The hero nods before following Izuku into another room. He doesn't want the boy to be left alone, not so soon after losing his mother. If he's being honest with himself, he's shocked that Izuku is taking everything as well as he is. That strength isn't going to last long. Shouta is certain that the moment the boy is left alone with his thoughts for too long, he'll break down.

Izuku heads towards the jewelry box next to his mother's bed and opens it searching for a specific item. He begins to worry after a minute of searching that she may have been wearing what he's searching for until he finally finds it. At the bottom of the box is a small jewelry gift box that his grandmother had helped him pick out and purchase for his mother two years ago. Inside the box is a necklace with an All Might themed charm. The charm was simply shaped like the pieces of hair that stick up at the top of All Might's head, although, unlike the color of the number one hero's hair, the charm is made from rubies to match both Inko's and Izuku's birthstone. Izuku doesn't care that the necklace is girly, he puts it on wanting to feel like his mother is still with him.

After slipping the box into his pocket, Izuku grabs a suitcase from Inko's closet before returning to his room to grab as much of his All Might stuff as he can fit in it. Watching the boy stuff the suitcase full of merchandise makes Shouta chuckle again. That boy is definitely obsessed with the number one hero.

So, this is my first Author's Note of Dadzawa. This will eventually connect with Living A Lie as the two stories will be part of the same timeline. Any guesses on what happened in their past that makes Hizashi against adopting? Just curious to know if anyone has any thoughts on it.

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