Chapter 10

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"Do you remember your mission, listener?" Hizashi asks Katsuki. The boy had arrived thirty minutes ago to help Hizashi with preparing for Izuku's birthday party, well, as much as could be done while Izuku is at the house.

"Keep Deku out of the house until one o'clock. Do everything I can to make sure he doesn't get suspicious."

Hizashi nods as Katsuki finishes tying the bow on top of the older male's present for Izuku. Hizashi can cook, fight villains, and even teach a foreign language, but he can't do something as simple as wrap a birthday present.

"My parents will be here at around twelve thirty, do not mention anything to the old bastard about you or Aizawa. I can't have him taking my only safe space away from me."

Hizashi gives the boy a tight lipped smile. Izuku and Katsuki have already established to the pair of pro heroes how Masaru feels about the entire LGBTQ community. If he were to find out that they were a married gay couple, Masaru would flip, let alone if he were to know that Hizashi is gender fluid and Shouta is transgender. Katsuki can't handle another house, where he's safe from the cutting words, being taken away from him. "We won't say anything. Both of us understand what it's like to need a safe space like that. His parent's were about as accepting as your father is. Now, shoo. Wake Izuku and get him out so I can finish getting everything ready."

Katsuki doesn't need any more coaxing than that. He darts across the hall to Deku's room and launches himself on the bed to wake his sleeping friend. Deku is startled awake, sitting up quickly and pushing Katsuki off the bed. The pair argue for a bit over Katsuki's chosen method of waking the green haired boy before he finally gets to explain that they're going to the park that they used to play at all the time when they were smaller.

Izuku is excited to see if any of their old friends are there, well, more like Kacchan's friends since they merely tolerated Izuku. They all go to different schools now since their test scores were far below those of Izuku and Kacchan.

"What does a loser with a villain's quirk think they're doing trying to hang out with me?"

Katsuki glances over at Deku to make sure the slightly younger boy didn't hear that. He doesn't need to manage to get himself into a fight on his birthday of all days. Unfortunately for him, Deku did hear and is already bolting towards the sound of the bully's voice.

"You shouldn't be talking to him," a boy with light brown hair says looking another boy in the eyes. "He could snag you in that quirk of his and make you do whatever he wants."

The other boy has the same color hair as the one who spoke to him. He's also obviously older than Izuku and Kacchan. "He won't, though. Not if he knows better. He doesn't want our parents to hear about how he thinks that he can just 'not have a gender.'"

"I said I was only thinking about it, not that I actually believe that." another voice joins quietly.

Izuku looks to the ground to find the boy that the other two are talking to. He's tall with purple hair and eyes, and he looks to be about the same age as Izuku. He's not even doing anything to defend himself reminding Izuku a lot of himself from the few months that Kacchan had been bullying him before that dreadful night. He doesn't think, Izuku just throws himself between the two brown haired boys and the purple haired one.

"Leave him alone!" Izuku yells at the two boys in front of him. "Quirks aren't villainous or heroic by nature, it all depends on how a person uses them."

The purple haired boy is surprised that someone is actually defending him. No one has ever tried to do that. This kid could get seriously hurt by the other two.

"Deku, you really shouldn't be getting into fights," Katsuki comments having caught up with his friend. "Yamada would kill me if I brought you home injured."

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