Chapter 11

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When Izuku wakes back up, his memories are foggy as to how he got to the couch that he's laying on now. He remembers walking to the park with Kacchan, stepping between the purple haired boy and the two bullies, but that's as much as he remembers. There are no memories of getting back home or laying down on the couch, but, if the worried looks of both his guardians, who are standing over him, are anything to go by, it would seem that there's more to the story than what little he remembers.

"Wh-what happened?" Izuku croaks out. "Is that boy okay?"

At hearing his friend's voice, Katsuki pushes past the two pro heroes to smack Deku upside the head. "Don't fucking scare me like that again, Deku! When will you stop recklessly jumping in where you're bound to get hurt!? You're quirkless, they could literally kill you by accident!"

Shouta is just as shocked as his husband was earlier when he heard it for the first time. Why didn't Izuku trust them enough to tell them that he doesn't have a quirk? Was he afraid that they'd tell him that he couldn't be a hero without a quirk? That'd be pretty hypocritical for Shouta to say that since he basically fights quirkless. Being quirkless doesn't mean Izuku can't be a hero, it just means that he has to work harder than everyone else to actually achieve that goal.

Did you know? Shouta signs to his husband.

Hizashi shakes his head. I only found out today when I got to them.

Shouta watches as Katsuki yells at Izuku some more for what he did. He honestly agrees with both perspectives. From Izuku's side, he sees a boy who's willing to put his life on the line for others to protect them, but on the other hand, Katsuki's reasonings are the exact same reasons that he had requested permission to expel and re-enroll students. Oboro can't happen again, he won't let it happen again. Izuku is going to need a lot of training to reach the point where he's strong enough to go toe to toe with villains with strong quirks, and Shouta's mind is already mapping out a training regimen to prepare him. Start with basic strength, then work with him on learing the capture weapon. Shouta is so absorbed in his thoughts that he doesn't notice that Katsuki has stopped yelling until Hizashi nudges him in the arm.

"Don't get too far ahead of yourself." Hizashi warns his husband. "Talk to him about it later. Let's just enjoy what's left of his birthday before you have to go back to the camp."

That gives Shouta an idea. What if he asks Nezu for permission to bring Izuku back to the camp with him? He could start some of Izuku's training and maybe some of his students could give the boy pointers. It would be worth a shot. Especially one particular student from 2B.

While Katsuki drags an unsuspecting Izuku upstairs to change out of the clothes that were worn to the park, Shouta sends out a text to Nezu as Hizashi reads over his shoulder, shaking his head. Both heroes know quite well that the boy will gladly accept going to the training camp if only to meet the pro heroes training the students. It isn't long before Nezu responds that it will be okay as long as Hizashi comes with them as an extra set of eyes on the Elementary School student.

"Wait, Shouta, aren't you supposed to be at camp?" Izuku asks once he's been returned to the living room. He glances around the room to see the hastily decorated room that he somehow missed when Kacchan dragged him away. "What's all this for?"

"Happy birthday, Nerd." Katsuki grins as he responds to the smaller boy's question. "Didn't think I'd let them forget, did you?"

Mitsuki and Masaru enter the living room from where they've been waiting in the kitchen holding a cake with All Might's face on it, and Izuku is shocked to speechlessness when everyone practically yells "Happy Birthday" to him. He's never had a birthday party before. With how little he and his mother had, they always made do with homemade cup cakes and katsudon for diner on his birthdays along with a new All Might figure as his present. Even when his grandmother was still alive, he still really didn't get much. She'd usually come over for an hour or so, gift him some new All Might merch, a shirt, a bag, a figure, or a blanket, and that was it. She'd leave long before dinner time. The last time Izuku had actually spent any time with his grandmother was two years ago when she helped him pick out the necklace for his mom's birthday.

The presents from Mitsuki and Masaru are no surprise to Izuku. They always gift him something that they've designed in their hero inspired line. This year's design is a simple black short sleve shirt with yellow trim at the ends of the sleeves and the neck, and a pair of pants matching the yellow color of the trim on the shirt with intricate black designs on the pockets. It doesn't take a genius to tell who the outfit was inspired by. They've been mixing random heroes into their outfits for a while, and this one was quite obviously a mix of Eraser Head and Present Mic. It was probably Mitsuki's idea since she's the only one of the two who knows that the pair are Izuku's guardians, that it's not just Eraser Head.

After a long discussion with Katsuki, Shouta and Hizashi had settled on giving him their newest figures, ones that haven't even been released to the public yet. Shouta absolutely hates his figure, but knowing the excitable boy's enthusiasm for pro heroes, he's sure that Izuku will love it, meanwhile for Hizashi, it's almost too much to part with such a beautiful masterpiece, but the happiness of a child is more important to him than having his own figure. They also treat Izuku's ability to go to the training camp for the second years as a birthday present in and of itself causing the boy to launch himself into Shouta's arms to thank the man for letting him go.

Compared to everyone else's gifts to Deku, Katsuki's seems drab, but he knows his nerd better than anyone else does. He gives him a dozen new notebooks along with some All Might themed mechanical pencils and a couple fountain pens that he managed to find by accident with Present Mic on them. After having heard the two heroes tell Deku that he gets to go to the training camp, Katsuki is glad that he gave Deku those items because he's sure they'll be filled in no time at all with all the amazing quirks of Shouta's second years.

After eating the cake, that Izuku almost didn't want to eat because who would want to cut All Might's face up, Kacchan helps him take his gifts up to his room and pack for his trip to the training camp. As they pack Izuku's clothes, the pair discuss what types of quirks they remember students having from the sports festival. The one Izuku is most excited to meet is Takami Keigo. His fiercewings quirk is one of the most unique quirks that Izuku has ever seen. Another interesting one from 2A is the girl with elemental counter and control, Hidaka Nozomi. Izuku really wants to know what activates her quirk and how much control she has over each type of element. He already has one notebook with a basic description of each quirk, and he's super excited to get to expand on that knowledge.

"Be careful at that training camp, Deku," Katsuki warns him just before leaving to go home with his parents. "If they don't want you getting too close to them, stay back. All of their quirks can be extremely dangerous, and I don't want you coming home injured."

Izuku grins at his friend. "Don't worry, Kacchan. I'll do everything Shouta and Mic tell me so that I don't get hurt. I can't wait to tell you all about their quirks when I get home."

"You better. I need to know what kind of competition I'll have in the process of getting to the top when I become a pro. See ya, nerd. Be very fucking careful."

With that, Katsuki leaves to go home with his parents while Izuku takes his bag downstairs for his guardians to load into the car. They'll be leaving first thing in the morning, and Izuku doesn't want to hold them up by brining his stuff down last minute.

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