Chapter 12

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Izuku can barely contain his excitement as Shouta pulls the car to a stop outside of an unfamiliar building. Surrounding the building is nothing but trees as they're deep in the woods somewhere. He looks at his guardians as they step out of the car. Mic almost looks disgusted by his surroundings, as if being out in nature is the exact opposite of a good time in his opinion whereas Shouta looks worried. What exactly is he worried about? Is he afraid that the students will hurt Izuku? Is he worried about having left his students for a day?

Just as Izuku steps out of the car, a dark haired woman runs out of the building and tackles Mic to the ground in a tight hug.

"Let nature touch you, you tense idiot." She teases.

When she stands back up, Izuku is able to recognize her as the R-rated Hero: Midnight. Honestly, he would have expected her to hate nature just as much as Mic seems to, but it would seem to be the opposite. He'll add an annotation to both of their profiles in his notes later about it. Mic's issues with nature could be considered a weakness, and Izuku feels the need to understand exactly how weaknesses can affect heroes to get past his own weaknesses, especially his quirklessness.

Mic shudders before getting up. He swears that he can feel every bug on the ground where he landed. "You know I hate the outdoors, Nem."

"That's why I'm staying. It's not every day that I get to see you out of your natural habitat, Hizashi."

Shouta rolls his eyes at the antics of his husband and their friend. "Nemuri, I want you to meet our..." Shouta has to pause because he almost said son. He wishes that was the case, but it's not. "Our current foster."

Midnight smiles at the boy who Shouta is gesturing to. "Nice to meet you, kid. I'm Kayama Nemuri, but I'm sure you probably know that. I'm a pretty recognizable hero."

"M-midoriya I-izuku," Izuku stutters out to the intimidating woman. She may be smiling, but everything about her screams danger, as if she's a cougar ready to pounce.

"Nice to meet you, Izuku."

Izuku gives her a polite bow before sliding closer to Shouta, sliding closer to safety. It's not that Midnight is actually dangerous, he knows that she's a hero and that she would never hurt him, but her entire image is built around a dominatrix, and the aesthetic is just too much for him. It would be different if she were wearing normal street clothes, but she's not.

"Let's introduce you to the students," Shouta suggests, taking Izuku's hand. He can easily tell that the boy is on the verge of panicking, and he needs to be gotten away from Nemuri for a bit. He'll get used to her eventually, but right now, her presence is just too much for Izuku.

As Shouta walks Izuku around the building to where the students should be currently making breakfast for themselves, Hizashi distracts Nemuri making Shouta smile. He knew that his husband would pick up on Izuku's signals just as well as he did. Hopefully, one particular student doesn't cause him problems as well because then his plan to help Izuku won't work.

Just as suspected, the ten students, five from each class, who were actually able to attend the training camp are all sat together eating breakfast. Shouta feels slightly bad for his oversized student who is stuck sitting on the ground just to be able to feel included. Unfortunately for him, there aren't any chairs big enough to fit his nine foot (274.32 cm) tall countenance. The pro hero glances down at Izuku to find the boy awestruck at the assembly of heroes in training.

"Everyone," Shouta yells to get the attention of the mixed class. "We have a visitor."

The giant of a boy almost stands, until he realizes the size of the visitor, while everyone else quickly stands to see who their visitor is. They all know that their teacher has a foster child, so they assume that's who the small green haired boy is.

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