Should I (we) stay or should I (we) go?

Start from the beginning

"So? Does that smile mean you've got something?" he sounds odd, not himself. What exactly did she do to him?

"I guess I'm slightly closer, but not really that much..." I wince, "She obviously good at hacking!" I offer weakly, my eyes stay on the screen watching her program scroll.

Axel rolls his eyes, scowling as he turns away. A tiny emoji of a laughing face pops up in the line of code, proving to me that sis has been watching the whole time, or at least on and off.

When the others have left the room, apparently taking Kayli to 'relax' and 'convalesce' in the 'sanctuary' of her room. In Axel's words. Other boys leave in a steady trickle, apart from Marc and obviously Raven.

"You got something, didn't you? From her?" he doesn't even sound like it's really a question, the chat box reappears, previous messages still there. Marc reads them as Sang start to type a new message.

S: It of course extends to all three of you, though you would have to find your own beds, unless you are happy to sleep in straw, though I know Marc especially hates that. She pauses for a moment and I think she's done but she adds something else.

Plus, I'm guessing that you want to get your family back if you can?

"You are our family as much as them!" I'm surprised that it's Marc who's the one to say it, he was the most vocal about not trusting Sang for months, he hasn't said it recently, but he never gave the impression that he considered her family. I can practically feel Sang's shock through the screen. "And straw really does taste awful, but I think I could manage, if it means..." he trails off.

What was he going to say, if it means I get to get away from here, or I get to be near you? I can feel my big brother instincts flaring again, as they have many times (whenever I think of the fact that she is dating at least two guys). Add mostly likely Gabriel, possibly Marc and Raven (who has made it more than clear that he likes her more than he ever like Kayli), Victor (there is something there...) and that's six guys who like/ love my sister.

She is amazing, I can see why they like her, but she's still my sister, thinking about her with my friends is strange, slightly (very) uncomfortable. Sang still doesn't type anything back to Marc's blurted statement. Marc winces and bites his lip. I know Sang will hear me if I just speak, but it still feels better to type this, more permeant.

C: You are part of my family, our family as Marc said, but we have to know if there's a way to save them!

"Not see why. Want to animal!" Raven manages to encapsulate everything I'm thinking in six words, even as I know that the right thing to do is help the others. She told us about the way that she 'sorted' North out, as it were, with a very specific computer pattern of pictures and colours that undid some kind of hypnotisation, which still doesn't make full sense.

She's far too nice to hazard a guess as to whom could have started the hypno, but in my mind at least the only person it makes sense to be Kayli. It explains why Axel is so... entrapped by her, he met her first.

What I don't understand is how she somehow dug her claws into Mr. B quite so deeply as well. Kota and few more of the ex-Blackborne team are also still totally trapped, despite everything they've seen. I really hope the shock of meeting his sister has broken it for Brandon, but I can't be sure, because he went to comfort her just now...

Kota is another one of the ones who's currently comforting a 'distraught' Kayli, and Axel threatened his sister as much as mine. Now his acting as if Axel did nothing to his sister, I don't get it...

Marc, looks annoyed at me for a moment, I don't think I realised how much he wanted to go, to leave this place. Raven gives me an almost identical look of what looks like anger. Raven never looks angry at me.

"Not decision correct you be!" he stops, looking at me, slowly rereading the message I wrote, he still struggles with reading English on occasion "But understand we do!" Marc nods reluctantly.

"Have you been in my DVD collection?" Raven nods smiling.

"Learn better speaking I do!" Raven grins at me, Marc literally dropping into a chair and letting his head fall on the table.

"Were you in my star wars collection?" I can't help the wince that comes with my question, I think this could be worse than sponge bob phase.

"Dun hu dun music there was!" Raven smiles again, Marc now snorting in to his arm as he watches the table. To make it even better Sang sends another message, having obviously heard our conversation.

S: Having fun you are to be😊

Dammit, I avoided showing him them for a very good reason, though if it can make my sister smile at joke at a time like this, maybe it's not so bad?

The door bangs open behind me.

"Party tonight, you all need to relax..." Kayli literally purrs. When we all turn to her, we need no more explanation as to what she thinks the 'party' will include when she runs one finger round the neck of her already dangerously low-cut t-shirt.

"Be going I think we do!" Kayli's eyes crinkle for a moment, before she smiles at him, obviously believing that his talking about the 'party', me and Marc both exchange looks, we both know is talking about something else, someone else, someplace else. Somewhere we would all prefer to be, no matter how much we want to help our 'brothers'.

We might have been persuaded to stay before, out of our sense of duty, but this is too far, Kayli is too much.

When Kayli leaves there's another message in the process of appearing.

S: Straw still tastes bad Zombie. But that can be negated with a good sleeping bag. (the beds are kind of all filled)

She doesn't have to say with whom.

And I love my sister. Just from that interaction, without us even having to ask she lets us go back on out decision. Just like that. And I love her for it, because something about going to live with sister is perfect. Absolutely, utterly, perfect!

Raven's barely contained grin echoes my thoughts, though his love for her is, ultimately, different. I get a flare of protective instincts, but I don't really know if that's about Raven or Sang really...

"To animal darling we go. Dun hu dun movies pack I will!" Great. I mean I love them, but Noooooooooo please, please don't let this phase stick around as long as sponge bob.

But right now, it doesn't matter, nothing does apart from right now we are preparing to leave. To go to her house, to go to the place that has felt the easiest to breath for the last six months. The fact that I'm, that we're, leaving our brothers, some of whom have changed, some in good ways, some in absolutely terrible ways, and the shot of guilt that follows, is remarkable easy to overlook.

Because we are moving to Sang's reserve.

We are moving to Sang's reserve.

And they can't reach us there.

Kayli moans in the background, the three of us take one look at each other and stand, moving smoothy out of the room, with a quick stop to bedrooms to get the very basics.

We are going.





Sang's reserve here we come! 

The end ( I wasn't joking) please vote and comment if you want that second book. and follow if you want to find our when it goes up!!!!!!

See you when the next book comes ( basically when I can't stand typing up notes from lectures, again!!!) 

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