3rd Person POV

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I'm not totally sure I like this part but I'm not sure how else I would write it so i hope you like it and at least keep reading to the next part! 

Please tell me what you think, I really do love reading you comment and answering your questions helps me to find new story lines and understand my characters more(well the characters) , I love it! 

Thank you so much I can't believe that I have over 2K reads ( it's crazy!) 

Sorry for such a long authors note please enjoy: 

3rd person POV:

North spends the rest of the day and most of the night throwing up. Sang's right there the whole time even if she never touches him. She tries to stay as far away as possible; he notices, but is way too far gone into hallucinations and the pain to work out what's going on or why.

He gets as close to death as Luke was, and it takes all of Sang's and Dr. Roberts skill to keep in alive, just though the first night. Dr. Roberts ends up giving him a quick wash as his still pretty much covered in blood and dirt from the walk to Uncles.

His most of his brothers don't notice his gone during the night or the next day, so used to him being shut in the garage drinking that they've stopped checking on him. Only Gabe realises that his gone, when he does he goes straight to Corey, remembers the conversation he had with Luke, and tells Corey to track North. When Corey does, he gets a message:

Hiya Corey! (And Gabriel (I assume(probably)))

(So many brackets today).

Anyway... North's fine ((sort of) promise), his safe as well (unless he does something stupid!), apart from the fact that he might die from the drug overdose, but (I think) we have it under control!

See you soon at some point (maybe)

(We are going all out with the brackets today (apparently)).

It was nice to meet you Gabriel! (see you soon(maybe))

How did your game sale go Corey? I heard really well! (it is a fantastic game! (going to go far (just saying)))

Really loving brackets!

The writing scrolls across the screen and both boys laugh slightly until they reread and take in the fact that North was taking drugs as well as drinking, which makes no sense, none of them have taken drugs since they joined the Academy and very few had before. For a start, they would be kicked out and more importantly, they had all seen what they did to the people that took them, the monsters they could create. The fact that none of them stopped it, or even saw it, in North confuses both boys, but that fact that he was using supposedly voluntarily really scares Gabe. Having heard the basics about North's father he can't think of a reason of why in hell North would touch them, even with the stress of the Luke 'situation'.

They are both confused over what to do as they don't have a way to get in contact with Sang (Gabe has now told Corey what her name is and as much about about the place he woke up in as he can remember), even though Corey has been looking for the last few day. Sang had slipped a note into Gabe's pocket as she left him outside the dinner, telling him to trust Corey and asking him to not tell anyone else.

Gabriel eventually comes up with the idea of calling Uncle who answers after a few rings asking what he wants, Gabe stutters something about North and Uncle goes on the defensive, finally asking Luke how much Sang trusts Gabe(as his still in with Luke at Sang's), before telling Gabe some of the story and informing him and Corey about the severity of North's current condition. They tell him, in return, that no one apart from them seem to have realised that North is missing. At this point Sang comes out of the room she locked herself, North and the animals (with Dr. Roberts) into, to tell them that his finished throwing up and they are waiting to see how much of the drug he ingested before they see if his going to survive. She realises how bad it sounds as she says it and almost starts crying, before Luke gestures for her to sit as she's been up for more than twenty-four hours straight. Less than five minutes later she's fast asleep curled into his good side the babies curled around her, breathing evening out as last in her sleep. He wraps an arm protectively around her and she sleeps for several hours without nightmare, something that only Luke can take away. It works visa versa as well as Sang hols his nightmares about the 'place' away as well.

When she wakes up, it is to Uncle (Dad B) silently shaking her awake, so that Luke who had been awake just as long as her isn't disturbed. North has hit the next stage; hallucinations, and Dr. Roberts needs her help. She shifts Charlie and Lola closer to Luke, brushes a kiss to his head to reassure herself that his safe and hurries after Uncle. North's screaming, but while the loud noises would normally scare her, she's able to compartmentalise due to the fact he is a patient, and she expects it due to the hallucinations, for the studies so far it can make people relive their worst memories.

They do manage to get him though the next day, he doesn't go into multiply organ, but he has a cardiac arrest, luckily Sang has a defibrillator that she acquired several years ago, and they can bring him back.

When North wakes up a days later, his body still feels an inch from death, yet his head is clearer than it's been in months and he can name all his 'brothers'. Uncle calls Gabriel quickly and tells him North's awake, but still very weak. To avoid becoming too suspicious Dr. Roberts leaves North in Sang's capable hands and heads to the hospital, after a few hours' sleep. Uncle leaves soon after, realising that North is going to be safest here with Sang and her family, as long as he doesn't attempt to hurt any of them, in which case he won't last a minute.

North's first words when he can figure out how to move his mouth again are to question about Luke and if he can see him. Sang, still in her mask, is wary about letting her family near someone who tried to kill one of them but let's Luke in, when he asks. North breaks down in tears as he sees the cast and multitude of bandages still around Luke's bare chest. Sang goes to leave but Luke sends her a look that says stay please, I need you! In an instant she's at his side and he tucks his good arm round her. He half leans on her as him and North talk, for once North doesn't shout, seeing how much it scares the small lady curled into Luke's side. He doesn't really understand why he cares, not when he believes he has the most perfect lady waiting for him at home, but knows that she decides his fate here, plus she did just save his life.

They talk. They talk for a long time. By the end, Sang still distrusts North and hasn't taken her mask off, yet she relaxes slightly, when she decides that North's apology is sincere. She doesn't say a word throughout the whole conversation. North stays tied to the bed, BB watching him, ready to pounce at the slightest distress sign from Sang or Luke, who his become almost as protective over.

Gabe and Corey are calling every few hours asking how North is and what they can do to help. When they finally get to talk to North, he sounds different, more like the North they knew, before the merge. No-one mentions 'the incident'. No-one mentions Kayli. Gabe and Corey have already been asked to not call Sang, Sang, which means Gabe ends up calling her Trouble, Corey never really addresses her, still as wary of her as she is of North.

She refuses to remove all his restraints but allows Luke to take the ankle and waist ones off as well as one hand, while she keeps back, as his no longer in so much danger from the hallucinations, (they were making him think everything near him was trying to kill him and other crazy stuff from his worst nightmares) which made him dangerous to Sang and Dr. Roberts as they were trying to treat him. She also shows Luke how to lengthen the single arm one she insists North keeps on. She signs something at Luke and then helps him out, his now pale and his good arm is slightly shaking, the lack of sleep and his previous injuries are catching up to him.

Sang returns once, in a mask, to check on North, bringing him food, she says a few words before leaving. She also brings him a sponge and water to wash with, which he manages to do with difficulty. His asleep minutes later, his body still recovering.  

I hope you liked it, I really wasn't sure if this was the right way to do this part but I hope it's ok...

See you in a few days, might not be another update until at least Tuesday, though you might me lucky on Sunday, we shall have to see :) 

Thank you for staying with this story, if indeed you are :) 

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