"Snitch!" Onyx than was picked up by his father and he screams. "Cole put him down! You can punish him after school," Kai explains to his husband as he finishes with his daughter's hair. "And we also don't sell others out for our own benefit," Kai looks at Lilly and Oscar with a look feigning disappointment and the two children shrivel under it.

"He knows what happens when they eat my cake," Cole said holding onto the squirming child. "Cole he's a child who likes sweets, which he got from you, so put him down, he can help me with dinner tonight as punishment," Cole rolls his eyes. "Fine," but then he looks his son in the eyes. "Never eat my cake," he said. "Yes father," Onyx nodded. Cole was satisficed gave him a pat and than left to get ready for the morning.

"Now you all get ready for school if your quick you can watch some tv," the kids cheered and got ready and Kai got up.

"Another day, another," he began when he suddenly started coughing. His mouth had steam come from his mouth and the room became misty. Cole comes from the bathroom and saw Kai coughing. He got worried and was at his side in a instant.

"Hey? Hey babe are you okay?" Kai waves him off. "I'm fine Cole, I'm fine," he said, but Cole wasn't so sure. "Maybe you should just stay home today," Cole suggests and Kai rolls his eyes. "I'm fine," he insists and moved off to get ready leaving his husband worried.

Downstairs the children all sat on the couch and turned on the tv kid news channel. While news was sometimes boring this channel was specifically for kids and it's most popular subject was "ninja!" They cheered seeing the headline.

Kai entered the children and smiled at them.

On the tv a news caster spoke into the micro phone in her hand while speaking too the green and white ninja outside a bank.

"Misty Marshall reporting in front of a recently foiled robbery by the mechanic. Green ninja, do you know why this location was chosen even though this bank is specifically digital?" Misty Marshall points the micro phone at the green ninja. The green ninja had not shown his face in years since the cities near flood nearly a decade ago.

"They were after the information to bank accounts, but tripped a alarm before they could finish the upload," The green ninja explains. "We are happy to report that I did a scan of the system and nothing was stolen or transferred," the white ninja adds. "No offence to you both and your work, but isn't something like this more suited for one of the famous samurai sisters?" Missy Marshall asks and the green ninja effortlessly answers. "They were busy with other matters and we were luckily close by to stop this," The green ninja explains. The reporter nodded along and than asks the question all reporters have been asking.

"So is the red ninja gonna make a appearance any time soon?"

They always asked this question at every interview and always people would hope the ninja would answer, but it was never given. When the black ninja was asked he would clamp up and stop talking the entire time and just leave as soon as it was asked if he could.

"No comment,"

Was the answer she got before they both took off.

"The ninja are so cool!" Oscar said. "My favorite is the green one," Onyx said as their father walks in the room. He frowns hearing that and looks at his husband who shrugs innocently sipping his morning tea. "Why not the black ninja?" Cole asks his son. "Well he's cool I guess, but I just don't get why he's so scared of water when he's married to someone who can control water," Onyx said. "He used to be a ghost and ghosts go to the departed realm when they touch even a drop of water, you don't get over something like that so quickly dummy," Lilly rolls her eyes at her brother. "Was married you mean, latest rumor on the internet says he had died when he stopped the oceans from drowning everyone," Oscar says and Kai mutters. "Not too far off," Cole bumps his shoulder.

"We were okay," he said.

"What do you think happened?" Onyx asks his parents looking over his shoulder. "Yeah you both were there, you got to see all the ninja fight those bad guys! Did you meet any of them?" Lilly asks excitedly. "No, we moved from Ninjago before the tsunami nearly hit so we didn't see it up close, but people were able to see it all the way over here. It was really scary being right there, trying to find high crowd, people screaming....." Their dad trails off and Cole shakes him a little to get him out of the daze which works.

"Here's a kiss," Cole kisses Kai before looking at his kids. "Time for school! Go grab your lunches and we'll be off say by to Rocky before you do," Their father said and the children obediently do as told. They go over to their dog lazily sleeping in, it was a large black dog with a brown tip and as hairy as a yeti. Cole liked to call him Krag sometimes which Kai always told his confused children was a hairy friend of theirs both that they just didn't see anymore.

"Bye Rocky boy," Onyx pats his head and the other two gave their pets on the head before they headed out the door saying bye to their dad before their father took them to school in his rover. Kai smiles at them and sips his tea when he started coughing again. This time it was smoke and he was shivering badly while sweating droplets of water. He stumbles towards the cabinets and quickly got out a bottle. He took out a tablet and stirred it in his tea quickly spilling most of it before gulping it down. The warm liquid burned his tongue, but he's used to it, he's just glad the kids left before it started.

He sets the cup down cracking it a little and looks at his shaking hands. "Your fine Kai, the medicine is still working, your not going anywhere," he mutters to himself trying to calm his nerves, but he knows that no matter what he says it doesn't change the fact he's wrong.

Meanwhile in the car Cole looks back at his children. "Hey kids? Can you just not mention the tsunami around your dad? It's hard for him," Their father asks them. "Why? You said you had both moved before it happened," Onyx inquires. Cole pauses as he turns onto a different street. "That is true, but...... your dad has always been afraid of water and thinking about what nearly could have happened takes a toll on him okay? It's not your fault just be careful mentioning it around him alright?" Cole asks and they nodded never wanting to upset their dad.

Cole pulls up to the school and and he turns to look at them. "Okay be good you three, come home with a medium amount of dirt or less, if I get a call that somethings on fire Oscar your grounded," Oscar let's out a huff. "Why do you think I set the fires?" He asks. "Because you set the last fire, and the fire in the backyard, and the fire on the couch," His father lists off. "We needed a new couch and Dad was proud of me!" Oscar declares. "Your father's a bad influence now out of the car, your not my problem until schools out so get it," The kids giggled as they left the car saying bye and love you.

Cole drove off before they looked at their school. It was a big brick building and was around five floors tall and covered a few decent acres including a field in the back.

The siblings looked at each other before sighing. "Another day another piece of my soul dying," Onyx mutters before heading inside with his siblings.

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