Chapter 28 "Broken"

Start from the beginning

"How is she?," I ask as the nurse turns around with her clipboard in hand.

"She's malnourish, had a broken nose, a fractured arm, 2 broken ribs, and as you can see swollen from full force beatings. Her wounds and bruising will heal with time," the nurse reads off the clipboard.

I clench my jaw and fists wanting to rewind time to before I shot Romanov. I should of just tortured him the same way he did to Amoret. How can he do this to his own daughter? What a coward to do such things to a female.

"You may leave," my father says to the nurse as he steps aside to let her exit.

"We gave him an easy death," I grumble as I look at Amoret. The moment I saw her I froze seeing how they left her. This entire time I was thinking the absolute worst from her. While she was being tortured the entire time for helping us.

I don't deserve her loyalty.

"Someone like Romanov you just can't waste any time on killing," father responds.

"Your father is right. Romanov is a survivor and would have done anything to ensure that," Kira adds as she observes Amoret.

"You two can go to your home and rest up. I will stay with her," Kira says as she sits next to Amoret.

I don't even remember the last time I truly had a well rested sleep, but as much as I would love to rest I don't want to leave Amoret alone. The last time we separated all this shit happened. If only we would have stayed together. This could have been prevented. Amoret looking the way she does and her laying on this hospital bed could have been prevented period.

"It's best if I stay," I say.

"You need to rest son," my father reminds.

"I will rest, but here. I can't leave her alone. She needs me," I respond.  My father doesn't say anything only nodding. He knows once I set my mind up there's no changing it. We're alike in that way.

"Well since you're staying with her. I guess it's time for me to finally kill Dimitry," Kira excitedly says as she stands up from the chair ready to head out.

"As promised," I reply. Kira smiles as she walks out of the room.

"Israel has his hands full with that one," father says as he shakes his head in a jokingly matter.

"By the way Rios reported no sign of Graudyn," father informs as he closes the door.

"I'm starting to wonder if he was even in that building," I truthfully comment. We made sure we left not one survivor in that building. There's no way he got away from that attack without not one man seeing him. According to the reports no one recalls seeing him. Which only means he wasn't there to begin with.

"We will find him."

"We must for her safety."

The next day...

Amoret's pov

I flutter my eyes open seeing a nurse applying clean bandages on my wounds. I take the time to observe the bright room before I speak.

"Where am I?," I ask feeling my stomach begin to growl. I don't remember when was the last time I ate to be quite honest.

"Hello Amoret, my name is Olivia and I'm a registered nurse here at Bascom hospital. You've been through a very tra-"

"I know what I've been through," I say cutting her off.

"Of course you do I'm sorry. I would like to further speak with you regarding that and know how to better assist you," she nicely says as she remains eye contact with me.

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