"Wow," Meredith breathed a moment later as she pulled back.

"I like kissing you," Derek smiled, lacing his fingers through hers again."

"I like kissing you too," Meredith blushed.

"Good," he said. "More kissing, I say."

"You'll get more kisses," Meredith promised.

"Christmas kisses?" Derek laughed.

"Yes, Christmas kisses," she rolled her eyes. "Now let's go have Christmas."

Derek pulled her the rest of the way down the stairs to the living room where his family was already gathered. "Merry Christmas," he smiled as he wrapped his arms around his mom."

They were met with a chorus of Merry Christmases from the rest of the family, and Meg turned to look at Michael with wide eyes. He laughed as he moved to sit under the tree. "Yes, we can have presents now," he promised.

Meredith smiled as Derek sat down in his father's armchair, pulling her to sit in his lap. She rested her head against his chest, enjoying the feeling of all the Shepherds together. She didn't think she would ever have a Christmas or Thanksgiving where she didn't take a moment to take in how close they were, how wonderful it was to be apart of this complete craziness. They were constantly yelling at each other and teasing their siblings, but she loved it. She knew none of them really realized what it was like to be alone, but she was almost glad that she'd spent the first years of her life alone, because now she knew how lucky she was to be marrying into this amazing family.

"Mer?" Derek's voice interrupted her internal thoughts. She turned to him with a smile as she took the offered package from his hands.

"Who is this from?" she asked.

"It's from Michael and I," Emma said. "I hope you'll like it."

Meredith smiled as she tore the paper off the box, lifting the lid and freezing for a moment as she laid eyes on the soft tulle sitting inside the box. "What..." she breathed, looking up at Emma with wide eyes.

"It's the veil that every woman in my side of the family has worn when she's gotten married," Emma said softly, reaching for the veil and settling it onto Meredith's head. "My grandmother was the first to wear it, and both my girls wore it. Liz and Caitlin will as well. I know you're not wearing a traditional wedding dress, and if you don't want to wear it it's alright..."

"I do," Meredith nodded, tears filling her eyes as she fingered the soft fabric that fell to the middle of her back. "It's perfect. Thank you." She pulled herself out of Derek's lap to hug Emma tightly.

"Come look at yourself," Emma murmured, guiding Meredith to the small mirror that hung beside the front door in the mirror.

Meredith smiled softly as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. The veil was simple, a small tiara holding the single layer of tulle to her head as it fell to the middle of her back, just below her shoulder line. "It's beautiful," she whispered.

"I suppose it's too fancy for your wedding," Emma sighed. "I'll understand if you don't want to wear it."

"I do," Meredith nodded, turning to look at Emma with wide eyes. "I definitely do. Thank you, Emma. This means so much to me."

"You're welcome," Emma smiled, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "And you know, now that you're marrying Derek, I think it's time you called Michael and I Mom and Dad. If you're comfortable with that, of course."

"Oh," Meredith blinked in surprise, feeling more tears prick her eyes. "Okay...Mom."

Emma smiled as she took Meredith's hand gently. "Let's get back to the presents," she said softly.

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