Meredith smiled as she hopped onto the counter beside Emma as she mashed the potatoes. "Are you sure I can't help?" she asked, leaning over the stove as Emma poured some milk in.

"No offense, dear, but I'm not really sure that you have enough cooking skills to master Thanksgiving yet," Emma smiled softly.

"Don't tell Derek that," Meredith smiled.

"I won't," Emma laughed. "You'll learn to live with his ego eventually. I promise. I got used to his father's."

"I hope not," Meredith smiled. "It's fun to make fun of him. He's so cute when he pouts."

"Of course," Emma laughed. "Michael always thrives on my teasing."

"I hope Derek and I are like the two of you," Meredith sighed. "You're so happy, so in love. I really hope we can be that way."

"You will," Emma nodded. "My son is a carbon copy of his father. And he looks at you exactly like Michael used to look at me. You'll be just fine when you're our age."

"I hope so," Meredith sighed. "He keeps telling me we will be."

"Derek will never admit it, but I believe growing up with four sisters affected him in more ways than one," Emma smiled. "He's always wanted a family. And he's always wanted to fall in love. Now he has you, the rest will come. When you're both ready."

"I know," Meredith nodded, smiling as Derek walked into the kitchen. "Hi."

"Hey," Derek smiled. "Just making sure that you're not letting this one touch the food at all."

"I know better than that, dear," Emma laughed. "But while you're both here, I have something I want to show you."

Derek watched as Emma wiped her hands on a dishtowel, then moved to the laundry room in the corner of the room. She appeared in front of them a moment later, holding a heavy box out to him. "It's for your father for Christmas," she said. "I've spent the past two years saving for this."

Derek looked at her closely for a moment before he opened the box and looked down at it. "Mom," he said as he looked down at the fancy silver watch resting in the box.

"It's a Rolex," Emma said. "Completely too expensive, but he's always wanted one. He never bought it because there Liz needed braces or Kathleen wanted an expensive prom dress. But now...he can't exactly say no if I give this to him."

"It's gorgeous," Meredith breathed. "Michael will love it."

"Thank you, dear," Emma smiled, quickly grabbing the box from Derek's hands as she heard footsteps coming from the hallway.

"How's dinner coming?" Michael asked as he moved towards the fridge, pressing a kiss to Emma's forehead as he did so.

"Wonderfully," Emma nodded, turning back to the stove. "I've just got to put some finishing touches on the potatoes, and then we'll be ready to eat. Derek, why don't you and Meredith start putting the dishes on the table. And tell your sisters to help."

"Sure Mom," Derek nodded, handing Meredith a casserole dish before grabbing the turkey. Meredith followed him into the dining room, stopping for a moment as she admired the place settings, complete with folded napkins and already lit candles.

"Wow," she breathed.

"Hmm," Derek nodded, taking the dish from her hands and smirking as he turned back to face her. "Remember last Thanksgiving?"

"Yes," Meredith blushed. "It was dirty."

"It was very dirty," Derek agreed, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Best Thanksgiving ever."

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