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Anna finally came to visited me in Londen. 'Hey hoe are you!' She said and put her arms around me. 'Good and you?' I asked while we walked into the coffee bar. We took a seat at the window with a few on the London bridge. After we talked a while the waiter came to take our order. 'For me a normal coffee please' I said and looked the gentlemen in the eyes. He hair blond hair and blauw eyes. He was tall and you definitely that he goes to the gym to work out. 'Form me a frappe please' said Anna. 'Sofia! Your mouth is open' she said and nudged me. 'Huh what?' I asked confused. 'Aha you think that guy is a cutie' she said and winked. 'He is cute but'
'But he is not Mason' finished Anna my sentence. I looked at the ground. 'What is going on with you and Mason anyway?' She asked. 'I don't know. We had sex but then he got really jealous and said stuff like 'I don't care' and 'I don't like you'. So I really don't know' I said.  'And then?'
'After that we had a fight and then sex again' I said and looked to the ground again. 'Girl you need to drop that peace off shit and have some fun. When was the last time you got to a party?' She asked. 'Long time ago' I said. 'See. Okay tonight you are coming with me okay no bullshit that you're sick. We're going to a party' said the girl.
'Can I get you anything else?' Asked the waiter. 'Yes, your phone number for het' said Anna. 'Anna!' I said and gave her a little nudge. 'I'm sorry she is a bit wears' I looked at the waiter and smiled. 'The bill please' said Anna and raised her and with her credit card. The waiter came back with the ATM machine. Here is your ticked and have a nice day.
'I'll pay a half' I said but Anna didn't want to. Then I noticed that there was something written on the back of the ticked. I turned it around and saw a number. An phone number. I smiled a little. 'He did not' said Anna when she saw it. 'So what are you waiting for go text him'
'No after he is done working' I said and put the ticked in the pocked off my jacked.

Sorry guys I forgot this chapter!!

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